Chapter 8

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When the two got to the ballet studio, they could hear the sound of Bella's mother's voice.
"Bella! Bella, Bella! Where are you?" quickly, Bella followed the sound and it lead her to a video that was playing a screen. Elisabeta had a feeling it would be a trap, hence why she came with Bella. The woman felt his presence, causing her to let out a growl. There he stood, laughing while looking at Bella.
"That's my favourite part. You were a stubborn child, weren't you?" James asked, as he brushed his fingers over her face and hair. Elisabeta decided to show herself, gaining the male vampire's attention.
"Ah, well if it isn't the old school vampire. See, i'm surprised that you're here. You gave off a vibe that you didn't like this girl, yet here you are" James teased, which caused Elisabeta to run towards him and throw him into the mirrors.
"you're right, i don't like her. But i really don't want to deal with Edwards moping if she dies" Elisabeta stated, looking towards the girl and signing for her to hide. Bella hesitantly hid in another part of the studio, leaving the two vampire's alone. James laughed at the woman, but his face changed when he saw that Bella was no longer there.
"I'm actually glad you're here, because i made sure to come prepared" he smirked, and suddenly Elisabeta felt a liquid being thrown at her face. And in an instant, her face started to burn viciously. The woman let out a scream, and fell to her knees in absolute pain. James smirk widened, while Bella watched in horror.
"come out, little lamb. Your protector is no longer available. It's just you and me now" unfortunately, Bella did a bad job at hiding and was quickly found by James. Elisabeta, who was still in pain, tried to stand up. Her eyes and face stung, but she forced herself to open her eyes to look for Bella and James. She saw that Bella was now running, and James flung her into a column.
"Beautiful....very visually dynamic. I chose my stage well" James teased. The smell of sweet blood made it's way into Elisabeta's nose. Her eyes were pitch black now, and her fangs came through. Quickly, the woman ran to James after he broke Bella's leg and threw him away from Bella. Looking down, Elisabeta saw the blood on the girl's hand and it took everything in her not to drain her dry. The woman hadn't noticed that Edward had arrived, until she heard the commotion.
Looking over, she watched as Edward threw James into a mirror. Edward sped towards the girl, but he quickly looked at Elisabeta. He saw that she had bad burn marks on her face and her black eyes and fangs.
"Get her out of her, i'll deal with him" Edward was worried for the woman, but remembered who she was and quickly carried Bella out the studio. Elisabeta turned and saw that James was up, and quickly attacked him. Her hands went around his neck, while one of his hands clawed at her burnt face.
"Why are you helping her? I thought you didn't like her" he said, which caused Elisabeta to let out a feral growl and smashed him into a wall.
"Lisa!" she heard someone say, making her turn to the voice. She saw that it was Jasper, along with the other's. But what she didn't notice, was that James had a large, sharp piece of wood and was running at her with it.
"Look out!" Carlisle screamed, but it was too late. James had impaled the piece of wood straight through her back and out her front. The woman screamed again, but this time it was louder. Jasper couldn't believe what he saw. His mate got impaled because he distracted her. That's when he felt the major make an appearance and he went for the kill. As the other's attacked James, Carlisle and Vlad went to Elisabeta.
"Lisa, Lisa sweetheart can you hear me?" He asked calmly, but inside he was panicking. Elisabeta looked up at Carlisle through blurry eyes. The woman coughed up blood, but couldn't say anything. She was in too much pain. Vlad held his sister's hand, looking at her with sad eyes. He was scared that he was going to lose his sister. There were too many times where he almost lost her, he cannot lose her now.
"Carlisle, what are we going to do? We need to save her, i cannot lose my sister" Vlad exclaimed, watching the blonde man look at the wood in the woman's stomach.
The other's had now burned James, and all of them ran to the other's. Edward would've stayed but he went with Bella to the hospital. Jasper was overwhelmed by everyone's emotions, including his own.
"I need to take the stake out. I remember that with your kind, a stake can kill you. Luckily it hasn't touched her heart, but this could still kill her" Everyone felt venom cloud their eyes, they didn't want their sister/mate to die she just couldn't. Carlisle grabbed onto the stake, but quickly looked to the woman.
"I'm so sorry for this, Lisa" and quickly, he ripped the stake out. A loud growl crossed with a scream was heard, making the others flinch. Their eyes widened, seeing a gaping hole in her stomach. Elisabeta grasped her brother's hand tightly, but then her hold dropped. Her eyes closed, and her body went still.

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