Chapter 14

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A/N just letting you know that Sue Clearwater won't be in this story. Not because I don't like her, but because I want it so that Seth sees Elisabeta as a mother figure. Which will make them close for the rest of the story.

After the wedding, Jasper surprised Elisabeta with an island that had been named after her. Let's just say, she was VERY thankful, and that went on for hours and hours. They spent the first few days in the bedroom. But for the rest of their honeymoon, they snorkelled, star-gazed, went on midnight strolls and swims.

They honestly had the best time, but as much as they wanted to stay there, they had to go back for Bella and Edward's wedding. When they arrived back home, Elisabeta was dragged into Alice's room where the girls were getting ready.

When Elisabeta walked into the room, the woman instantly noticed the bags under the swan woman's eyes.

"I forgot humans need to sleep" Elisabeta teased, making Bella look at her with a sheepish grin.

"Need any help? I can do your hair" the woman offered, catching both Alice and Bella by surprise.

"Really?" Bella asked, making Elisabeta scoff and walk up behind Bella.

"As annoying as you can be sometimes, I'm not offended by your choice in groom" she smirked, bringing a smile to Bella's face.

"Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality" Bella responded, making Elisabeta let out a small laugh.

"Weddings....they bring everyone together" Alice giggled, pulling her sister-in-law into a tight side hug.

It didn't take long for Elisabeta to finish Bella's hair. Her mother, Renee, came in soon after and instantly started weeping.

"Oh, my gosh. You're so beautiful. Oh, honey. Crap, my mascara" the woman cried, as Alice whipped out a handkerchief.

"Charlie get in here" Renee called out, making the chief walk in hesitantly. Elisabeta took this as her Chan to leave the room, and sped out to find her husband. She found him at the front of the alter, talking to Esme and Rosalie.

"It's almost time" She said, gaining their attention. Jasper smiled, and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Did I tell you how remarkable you look in this dress?" The blonde asked, brushing his lips softly against his wife's ear.

"Once or twice" Elisabwta purred, pressing a passionate kiss to his cold lips.

The wedding ceremony was beautiful, and Elisabeta was happy for Edward......and Bella. But they don't have to know that. Everybody was now at the reception, all of them in their own little groups. Elisabeta was talking with Jasper and Emmett, when a young voice was heard.

"Hey, Lisa" turning, the woman saw that it was Seth. Smiling warmly at the boy, Elisabeta pulled him into a tight hug.

"Hello, Lupul mic" Elisabeta spoke softly, as the two pulled away.

"It's good to see you, it's been forever since I saw you last" Seth spoke dramatically, making Elisabeta laugh.

"Three weeks isn't forever, Seth. Anyway, I'd like you to meet Emmett. Emmett this is Seth. And of course you know Jasper" Elisabeta introduced, as the two shook hands.

"So you're Seth? Lisa has told me about you, and how brave you were to fight against your first vampire" Emmett spoke. Seth looked at the woman in surprise, but she could see that his cheeks were slightly red.

"I can't help but talk about my favourite wolfie" she cooed, pinching his cheek. Seth groaned and gently pushed her hand away from his face. Jasper smiled at the sight, watching as the two bicker playfully.

Jasper could see how great she was with Seth. And he imagined what it would be like to have their own. Even though the two can't procreate.

"Sorey to interrupt, but can I steal my wife away?" Jasper asked, and gently pulled Elisabeta to the dance floor. The two held each other close, both looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you, you know that?" Elisabeta mumbled, rubbing her nose against his.

"Oh I know. And I love you too, Darlin" he smiled, and gave his wife a tender kiss.

Elisabeta pulled away, when she heard a small commotion behind her. Looking around, her blue eyes landed on the Denali family talking with Bella and Edward. One of them, Irina, was glaring at Seth while speaking to the newly-weds. She saw that it was getting heated, and quickly made her way towards the group.

"They killed Laurent" Irina stated angrily.

"He tried to kill Bella" Edward said.

"I don't believe that. He wanted to be like us, to live in peace with humans, with me" Elisabeta heard enough, and decided to speak up.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, blondie. Laurent was going to kill Bella, and the wolves were doing their job. Which was protecting a human from being killed by a vampire. So I suggest you leave now, before things get ugly" Elisabeta growled, her eyes glowing red with anger.

Irina stepped back in fright, then left with her family close behind.

"Thank you, Lisa" Edward said softly, smiling at the woman.

"It's fine. Oh, and congratulations by the way. I'm happy for you both. And Bella, uh....." Elisabeta started to say, but felt too awkward to say it. So Edward spoke for her.

"She wants to welcome you to the family" Edward laughed, as Elisabeta glare at him. Bella smiled, and quickly brought the woman into a hug. Thus action caught Elisabeta by surprise, and she looked at Edward and her husband in shock. But the two just stood there, and smiled in amusement.

"Uh, yeah. Um, I'm just gonna go.....yep, I'm gonna go over there" she rushed, and quickly walked away. Leaving the three laughing adults behind.

Elisabeta caught sight of her brother, and made her way towards him. As she sat down, she saw Vlad staring lovingly at Alice who was dancing with Carlisle.

"I saw Bella hugging you. Are you two best friends now?" Vlad snickered, making the woman nudge him.

"No, I merely.....tolerate her for Edward's sake" she mumbled, causing Vlad to let out an amused laugh.

"Sure thing, sister"

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