Weeks 1, 2, & 3

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Feel free to switch around or alter these plans. You can increase reps, change exercises, or for things like push-ups do half push-ups.

Day 1: Chest
- Your choice of Warm Up/Stretching -
•3x2 push-ups
• 3x2 pike push-ups
• 3x2 diamond push-ups (i highly recommend doing half diamond push-ups)
- Warm Down (for my warm downs i usually just do core and shoulders/back) -
• 5x2 crunches
• 5x2 crunch to twist
• 5x2 6 inches
• And then I do this: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8W4YKfx/

Day 2: Bicep & Tricep
- Your choice of Warm Up/Stretching -
• 3x2 half kneeling dumbbell single arm row (do 3x2 of this for each arm)
• 3x2 dumbbell curls (for 3x2 if this for each arm)
• 3x2 decline push-ups (you can use a bed, sturdy chair, exercise ball or bench for this)
- Same Warm Down I listed above -

Day 3: Legs
- Your choice of Warm Up/Stretching -
• 3x2 lunges
• 3x2 squats
• 3x2 narrow stance pulse squat
- Same Warm Down listed one Day 1 -

2 day break then move onto Week 2

Week 2: Increase Reps to 5 (5x2). Warm down doesn't change

Week 3: Decrease Reps to 4, but Increase sets to 3 (4x3). Warm down doesn't change

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