Tell Harry not that I might die. But tell him that I know, about his the mission Dumbledore is setting him on. (Do not question him) As I said, I don't want him risking his life, which is when Kreacher comes in. Tell Sirius to calm down before he sets Kreacher off again. Kreacher knows where "the rest of them" are. Ask him, he'll lead you too it. Do not let me take the whole credit, one of them was discovered by my dad. Yes, Sirius, you read that right. Regulus Arcturus Black, he discovered one of those. I got the prettier one though. Don't waste your breathe with simple jinxes and spells.

I hope this was helpful.
- Cordelia Black.

Cordelia folded the parchment and placed it in an envelope, which she sealed with the Black crest.

She took the letter with her as she made her way towards the Room Of Requirement. It was late, which made her weary of Filch and his cat.

Going inside the Room Of Requirement, which was turned into a store room at the moment, she yelled for her elf.


A second later, she saw Kreacher standing in front of her with his head bowed low.

"I need you to help me" she spoke softly.

"Kreacher lives to serve Mistress Black" Kreacher obliged immediately.

"There is another Horcrux in this room, you know how the object transmits dark magic. Help me look around and attain it."

Kreacher had a look of worry but he nodded his head nonetheless and began his search.

They searched every every corner. It took them almost two hours before Kreacher spotted the object.

It was inside of a wooden box.

Cordelia opened the box and surely, it was the Ravenclaw Diadem. It shined brightly in the dark.

"This has the same dark magic" Kreacher stammered as looked fearfully at the object as if it would eat Cordelia up alive.

Cordelia nodded as she closed the box and wrapped it up in her school robe. She handed it to Kreacher and gave him the envelope she had sealed earlier.

"Give this to.... Remus if I don't call for you in another five days. Please give them the letter and the Diadem with the locket when they ask for it. Do not let anybody take them, that is an order. Okay?" She questioned Kreacher.

Kreacher nodded his head at the order before vanishing away with the Diadem and the letter.

Cordelia sighed as her heart thumped inside of her ribcage. Draco was close to fixing the cabinet. It was happening now.

The war was coming. And Cordelia hoped that it would end with Voldemort.


"It's today" Draco told Cordelia as he passed her on his way to Potions. Cordelia nodded in acknowledgement but didn't utter a word in response.

The day seemed to be going by faster.

Draco and Cordelia found themselves jittery as they sat down for lunch. Cordelia could barely look at the food laid out, she felt nauseous when she looked at it.

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