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The word rang like drum beats in Cordelia's ears.

The young grey eyed girl tried to search it up in the library, during her prefect rounds. But to no vail, she didn't get even a single lead.

Things hadn't been really smooth with Harry either.

He was unable to look beyond and see reason as to why they couldn't yet act all buddy-buddy. Not that Lia didn't want to talk to him or rather let people that it was her who he's interested in.

But she couldn't. Not yet at least.

Remus' constant reminders that it was her O.W.Ls year added on the pressure slightly.

Hogwarts had never felt like home. But it felt even colder now.

Walking around, as she sulked about not being able to tryout for the Quidditch team. She went up the stairs of the owlery to see Luella.

Upon entering the circular room, she saw Daphne Greengrass. Deep in thought.

"Hey" she smiled towards the dark haired girl.

"Hi" Cordelia waved back.

The two stood next to each other as they stared off into the distance. Caressing their owl's head each.

"I don't hear from you much now" Daphne pointed out as she looked down at Lia, who stood a few inches shorter than her.

"Yeah, neither do I from you" Lia mumbled nonchalantly, not taking her eyes off of the horizon.

"Yeah.... I didn't think you'd want to be my friend really" Daphne whispered.

"What makes you think that?"

Lia, although a part of the conversation had her mind trying to take in the peaceful looking view.

"Well, me with not my pureblood supremacy views makes me a little less likable amongst the other purebloods" Daphne laughed a humourless laugh.

Lia chuckled upon hearing that.

"I'd love to be your friend then. Maybe try and re-kindle the extinguishing flame of friendship eh?" Lia looked at the blonde girl beside her.

"I'd love that! I thought you were like Malfoy, with his pureblood beliefs" she gasped.

"I mean.... he's my cousin. I don't really have many friend besides him. Do I? Not that I'm complaining, but it gets tiring- hearing the same things with just different words all the time" Lia chuckled darkly.

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