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Draco walked over to his cousin, with the bag of sweets in his hand

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Draco walked over to his cousin, with the bag of sweets in his hand.

Clearing his throat to grab her attention, he held the bag out for her.


Cordelia took the bag happily, peering into it, "There's more than-"

"It's on me" Draco brushed it off. Sitting down in the chair opposite to her.

They were in a corner in the library, the table was situated near a huge window.

"Draco you didn't have to..."

Shrugging Draco replied,  "I felt bad for you. You've been having a shitty week I've observed"

"Draco Malfoy, caring?" Dora mocked with a chuckle, making him roll his eyes.

"Thank you Draco" she smiled. "So how was your trip?"

"Oh, I was there looking around when I bumped into that Weasel. Me, minding my business tried to walk past him-"

"Really? I'm sure you did just that" Dora smirked.

"- Then I saw Potter's head there, where it isn't allowed. And I did the first rational thing, report it to Snape. He must've had it today, that's what he gets for throwing mud on me" Draco was grumbling by the end.

Dora started giggling like crazy, "He threw dirt on you? Draco you..." but broke into another fit of laughter.

"Yeah go ahead, laugh all you want"

The next day Draco was delighted to tell all his friend and his cousin about how his father won the case, but there would be an appeal.

"You really didn't have to go to such extreme lengths" Dora told him while the two sat together on the floor of the Astronomy tower, their legs dangling from the railing.

"They deserve it" Draco scoffed, "Do not tell me you are siding with those Gryffindors as well"

"I am not. I feel bad for the bird I haven't seen once"

"No need to see that ugly brute"

"But I don't feel bad. Those Gryffindors and Professors are no saints, always bashing around us Slytherins. Only because what? We're better and privileged. This school makes me sick" Draco said after a pause.

"It does? It makes you sick too" Dora asked, glad to know that she wasn't alone.

Draco nodded his head in response. "Father wanted me to go to Durmstrang but mother insisted that I dont go too far away..... which is why I was sent here"

"It makes me sick too. I often times regret coming here" Dora told Draco, "But at least there is a bowtruckle island that keeps me entertained"

"Is there?" Draco questioned, getting a nod in response, "Well don't boast but I am glad you came. I at least know now I have a friend."

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