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Cordelia woke up with start

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Cordelia woke up with start. Her heart thudding against her rib cage.

She had been having some dreams.... dreams she could not believe she could ever have.

It was Regulus and Lazarus... with the dark mark.

Shaking her head, she got out of her bed, after getting dressed for the day, she picked up her Transfiguration book.

She had her Transfiguration exam that day.

So far she had done wonderfully in Charms, Runes, Arithmancy, Defence Against The Dark Arts and alright in Herbology. Astronomy was a breeze for her.

As Dora picked up her book, her eyes fell on the diary, where she had been writing stuff down.

Opening her diary she read the first thing written on the very first page.

Too much light is blinding.

Dora flipped through the pages of the diary, skimming over them.

Not wanting any distraction, she went back to her Transfiguration book.

Coming out of the Transfiguration test, Dora joined Draco and the others.

"It was rather easy" she smirked upon seeing Blaise's twisted face.

"You go, I'll be a minute" Dora said as everyone moved to the entrance hall for lunch.

They had their last exam day after tomorrow- History of Magic.

Walking out of the Gryffindor Tower after keeping her things away and letting her robe off, she walked down to the common room to see Professor McGonagall.

"Ms.Black, can you please ask Professor Moody to come down to the field quickly?" She said hurriedly.

"Of course Professor"

Dora went towards Moody's office, come down to the field, it could only mean it has something to do with the third task.

Dora entered his office and found it empty, sitting on his table was the Marauders Map.

Dora inspected it and saw a dot moving to where she was.

Bartemius Crouch Jr.

Bartemius Crouch Jr? As in.... Mr.Crouch's son?!

Dora moved away from the table, her wand ready in her hand when she heard it, the clunk of Moody's leg.

Once again she checked the map to make sure she read the correct name.

Moody appeared in the door, jumping a little when he saw Dora standing there.

"What" he yelled.

"Dumbledore... field" she stammered, slowly walking out of his office, she stepped out before breaking into a sprint.

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