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The next morning, Harry had decided to be brave and take a stand for his godfather

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The next morning, Harry had decided to be brave and take a stand for his godfather. During breakfast he had everyone's attention on him after he had cleared his throat.

"I would like to thank you Sirius. I know I didn't need to do this grand gesture" he stated as he rubbed the back of his neck shyly, "But I want you and everyone else to also know what I feel- think" he blushed, "Sirius, I know my dad is gone and I've longed for a family ever since. Mrs.Weasley I'm way too grateful for you, I do acknowledge Ron as my brother, don't take this negatively-"

"-I won't Harry but dear you must know he can't be your father" Molly Weasley said dismissively with a small smile.

"Right," he cleared his throat again.

"Get on with it" Cordelia stated as she nibbled on her waffle.

"Shush" Sirius and Remus shushed her making her roll her eyes.

Chuckling, Harry continued, "I'm not saying that you're my father Sirius, no. But you're the only non-abusive family member I have had" he stammered the last part.

Cordelia looked at him encouragingly. While Sirius and Remus looked guilty and sad.

"And I want you to know that I don't see you as useless. I know you don't see me as a replacement for my father. Of course you see him in me. Everyone does. You need not feel guilty, you couldn't have know that he would have betrayed him. And this is for others as well-" he glanced around the room at everyone. Specially the elders and Mrs.Weasley.

"- I now know why people think that you see me as his replacement, because Sirius you are the only person who treats me as a mature person. And I really appreciate it Padfoot" he smiled at Sirius.

Sirius had leapt up from his chair and had engulfed Harry in the biggest hug he had ever given to anyone. Whispering in his ear.

Cordelia smiled at the two before taking a bite of her waffle.


As the break ended, it wasn't only Sirius who was moody and sulky, but Cordelia Black had joined him in beinf sulky too.

Which was a surprise because everything had been running rather smoothly before.

The two, unknown to others were sulking because of two very different reasons.

Cordelia had withdrawn herself from everyone. Even Harry. Finding little comfort in her room, every hour of the day.

Kreacher who had been missing for the fist few days and had returned with a smile, now looked on the verge of a breakdown every second.

He even did burst into tears one night after Cordelia had glared at him too hard from her seat at the table.

"Kreacher did as he was ordered too" with that the elf had ran out crying his eyes out.

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