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Narcissa instructed the two children to move towards the forest

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Narcissa instructed the two children to move towards the forest.

It confused Cordelia at first immensely, but all the confusion was washed away when she saw people in black robes and masks causing terror and disaster.

"Death Eaters" she whispered under her breath.

It was perfectly clear that Lucius with Narcissa were out there under a mask.

But Narcissa was not a death eater? Dora thought to herself.

All too soon after the 'golden trio' ran away from where Dora and Draco stood lazily. She saw it.

The Dark Mark in the sky.

"It's the Dark Mark" She said out loud, making Draco take a step back when he looked up at the sky.

For a moment Dora saw fear flash through her cousin's eyes.

The Dark mark made the grey eyed beauty feel uneasy. It made her think.

What am I doing? Who am I with.....

Dora knew her father would have never wanted for her to be a part of Voldermot's Army. Or support him in anyway or form.

Looking at Draco's face, who still couldn't get his eyes off the mark, she question the equation that she had with the Malfoy's.

It's so complicated. Who knew family and feelings could be this complicated....


Cordelia with Draco, Narcissa and Lucius were back at the Malfoy Manor the next morning.

Lucius looked smug and proud.

"Why don't you have some rest? I'll have you both up before lunch" Narcissa smiled, looking at Draco and Dora.

Dora nodded, sleep evident in her eyes.

Getting settled in bed after changing into comfortable pyjama clothing. Dora drifted off to sleep. The Dark mark very prominent in her mind.

There was a hand, lovingly combing through Dora's hair. She liked the touch of motherly affection she felt at that moment.

Dora thought she was dreaming but opened her eyes to see Narcissa brushing her hand through her hair.

"Did you rest well?" She asked with a smile.

"I did" Dora sat up against the head board. Holding Narcissa's hand in hers.

"Am I wrong to assume that you enjoyed the game last night?"

"You assumed correctly" Dora gave a small smile. A question constantly bugging her.

"Cissa" she held her hand more firmly, looking up to be eye level with her godmother she spoke softly, "Are you also a death eater?"

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