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Harry felt warm and happy to be sitting with the Weasley's and having a fulfilling dinner

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Harry felt warm and happy to be sitting with the Weasley's and having a fulfilling dinner.

He smiled and laughed with the others, not actually interested in Percy's talk about Ludo Bagman and Bertha.

Quidditch interested him more.

"Krum's one decent player, Ireland has got seven," said Charlie Weasley shortly. "I wish England had got through. That was embarrassing, that was."

"What happened?" said Harry eagerly, regretting more than ever his isolation from the wizarding world when he was stuck on Privet Drive.

"Went down to Transylvania, three hundred and ninety to ten," said Charlie gloomily. "Shocking performance. And Wales lost to Uganda, and Scotland was slaughtered by Luxembourg."

While everyone was busy talking amongst themselves, Ron softly asked Harry about Sirius.

"Yeah," Harry said softly, "twice. He sounds okay. I wrote to him yesterday. He might write back while I'm here."

Humming Ron retreated back from his leaned in position, "Oh, do you remember  that Black girl?" He questioned.

"Cordelia Black you mean?" Harry asked with a small smile.

Of course he remembered her. Sirius and Harry might have just talked a little bit about her.

"Not only is she a Black but also a Dallarosa!" Ron exclaimed, making Mr.Weasley and Bill also listen in upon hearing the familiar name.

"How do you-?" Harry was cut off by Hermione.

"It was in the Daily Prophet, he died a month ago. It was the biggest funeral of whole of Africa and even quite a few American and English ministers where there too."

"He died?" Harry frowned.

"Sad death to be honest" It was Bill this time, "I met him once when I was there for some Gringotts work. Great man"

"Very influential. More than the Malfoy's ever could be. Not only in Africa but they've got their connections here as well, especially since last year when her granddaughter joined Hogwarts" Mr.Weasley added.

"Explains why Malfoy runs around her" Ron said with a disgusted face.

Harry had expected to fall asleep quite nicely that night, being at the Weasley's where he felt at home. But he couldn't.

His brain kept going back to Cordelia.

He remembered their conversation that they had had up on the Astronomy tower.

She had no family now, just like me. But then Sirius face crossed his mind, relaxing him a bit.

The next morning it was hard getting rid of the sleep very evident in Harry's eyes. He blamed his thoughts for that, and his mark.

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