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April was nearing its end, which made Cordelia more desperate than ever as she tried her best to get into Room of Requirement

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April was nearing its end, which made Cordelia more desperate than ever as she tried her best to get into Room of Requirement. She remembered her conversation with Harry, which made her apologies to him furiously for having to witness her in such a pitiful state.

Harry had shook his head in response and replied with a sarcastic "How dare you."

Walking down the seventh corridor, purely now out of habit as she tried once more to get into the room but this time no door appeared. Sighing, she decided to head down, walking down the steps she was startled by the sudden screaming coming from the boys bathroom which was on the sixth floor, where she was.

“Stop! STOP!”

Rushing towards the bathroom, she saw a head of blonde sleek hair and another of messy black ones. Moaning Myrtle tried to tell the two boys to stop fighting.

Cordelia's reflexes acted as she quickly pulled out her wand but she was late.

As Harry slipped on the wet floor, Draco shouted one of the unforgivables which  made her panic.

"Cruci—" but he was interrupted when Harry much to Cordelia's terror fired another spell first.

"SECTUMSEMPRA!" He bellowed from his where he lay on the floor.

"NO!" Cordelia screamed as the spell hit Draco, making Harry snap his face towards her. His eyes followed her movement as she ran over, he thought to him, but to Draco.

Harry was terrified when he turned towards Draco.

"No" he gasped.

Cordelia ran over to her cousin who had blood spluttering out from his mouth and chest as he staggered back. She quickly caught him before his head hit the floor.

Draco cried from the pain. "Mo-ther, she- she—"

"DON'T TALK! IT'LL HURT YOU MORE!" Cordelia cried as she placed his head down and picked up her wand and with shaky voice and hands muttered the healing incantations. She didn't look up when she heard someone else entering the bathroom. Her eyes trained on Draco's injuries and the blood pooling around him.

She muttered the countercurse, which was also mentioned in the book that belonged to Snape, and another pain reducing spell, but it didn't make much difference.

Draco's cuts healed but he seemed as pale and white as a ghost, blood stains on his shirt and robes.

Snape walked forward and asked Cordelia to step aside as he examined Draco. He instructed Cordelia and Harry to stay while he takes Draco to the Hospital wing.

Cordelia was horrified as the scene kept replaying behind her eyes, making her go into a panicked and slightly paralysed state as she stared at her blood stained shirt, hands and the water which was red.

"I- I didn't mean for this to happen! I swear Cordelia! You have to believe me!" She heard Harry's cries which made her nod as she gulped down her tears.

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