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The days passed by with nothing much happening

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The days passed by with nothing much happening. Cordelia and Harry went for a walk late at night a few times more, getting to know each other and the bespectacled boy assuring that her that Hermione was never his girlfriend.

Remus had yet to reply to Dora's letter.

Dora received plenty of home baked cakes, Easter eggs and a few other goods during Easter by Narcissa.

Which made Dora thank her vigorously for all the goods.

There was nothing in Honeydukes better than Narcissa's baking.

It wasn't until end of the Easter holidays did Dora receive a reply from Remus with some more Easter eggs, some baked goods which he claimed were baked by him.

Dear Lia,

I apologise for sending a reply so late. But frankly, I haven't heard a rumour of Severus being a death eater, albeit he was always surrounded by people who turned out to be faithful to Voldermot. But one can never be too sure. Keep your eyes open.

I don't want to worry you but things are getting more suspicious day by day.

Enjoy the sweets, those are baked by me, I had to shut Billy and Mipsy in a room to get the kitchen to myself.


Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary for Dora to be skeptical about, until one day she went inside Professor Moody's office.

Her lessons with Albus Dumbledore had been going on, they were getting better day by day. More advanced.

Dumbledore had asked Dora to send Moody to his office, which is why the Black girl had been there.

In his office there were artifacts that amazed Dora as they sat still until she heard a clunk.

"Secrecy Sensor. Vibrates when it detects concealment and lies...no use here, of course, too much interference - students in every direction lying about why they haven't done their homework. Been humming ever since I got here. I had to disable my Sneakoscope because it wouldn't stop whistling. It's extra-sensitive, picks up stuff about a mile around. Of course, it could be picking up more than kid stuff," came Moody's growl from behind her.

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