To Water Hope.

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Amalia let the training blade clash with Haldir's. He did not know she was leaving with the fellowship and she hadn't the heart to tell him or anyone. She noticed something about Haldir's stance. He was fighting differently, favoring his right arm. To test her theory she struck him from the right so he would have to block or parry. When he did block she could see the pain on his face and the strain of his muscles. Haldir was down on one knee. His sword fell suddenly and he cried out holding his arm. Amalia dropped her blade and knelt in front of him.

"Show me." She demanded and Haldir shook his head so she took hold of his arm and forced the sleeve of his tunic up. When her eyes fell upon the wound she had inflicted upon him she gasped. Red tendrils spread around the wound she had inflicted upon him accidentally. There was no scorch mark; only veins of crimson creeping up his arm.

"Haldir." She gasped. More guilt heaped upon her conscious.

"Tell no one, Amalia."

"Tell no one!" She shouted in disbelief at his words, "Have you seen a healer?"

"No healer could heal this, Amalia." He shook his head again and stood up.


"It is by your magic that it is upon me and it will only spread." He explained but Amalia did not understand how he could know that.

"How do you know this?" She voiced her doubt still on her knees. Amalia felt unworthy is standing.

"The Lady Galadriel. My fate is tied to yours, Amalia." He stated while taking her hands to lift her off the ground, "you should run, Amalia. Leave Lothlorien, go where he will not find you." She knew he spoke of the witchking of Angmar.

"I will not leave you to this fate." She shook her head not considering that choice for a moment. Amalia could never leave him to that fate. She wouldn't abandon the only family she had now. Blood or not he was her kin, he said so himself. I will not abandon you Haldir. She promised.



I have decided. I will accompany the fellowship to face the witchking of Angmar. Should I die know that my heart aches knowing that it will pain others and ot aches for Imladris. Rivendell had become a home to me and that is something I will treasure to my grave. But my death will not be without reason. It will save the life of another. I will have but one regret concerning you. That I did not return to your home. May the valor be with you always, Voronwin.


It was strange to write to him. Strange to put so much of her heart into a letter. Yet as she thought of the tender moments she had spent with the Lord Elrond she had hope. A hope that faded just as flower wilts when it is not watered. She would remind herself to think of him often to keep her hope alive, to water it with attention.

Amalia looked down into the small pools of clear water below her. Lothlorien was beautiful, she felt safety and comfort in the high branches of the trees. The trees that knew her and for the all the darkness the forest saw in her it did not fail to support her still. For the forest too was sick. It contained as much evil within its branches as she did.

"I know you are leaving with them." The voice of her brother Orophin sounded behind and she turned. A small smile upturned her lips slightly. He knew her too well, even having been apart so long.

"It is something I must do." She spoke softly and Orophin did not return her smile but he did not anger.

"I understand." He looked down at the ground. Amalia could have sworn she saw the slightest glimmer of tears in his eyes but when his gaze returned to her they were gone. She approached him slowly and hugged him tightly. Warmth in his embrace calling for her to stay but she couldn't.

"We will meet again." She moved her hands to place a palm on each of his cheeks and propped herself up on her toes to kiss his forehead. "Worry not."

"You sound like mother." A tear rolled down his cheek and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I will await your return for I know I cannot convince you to stay.... Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa" she smiled at his words.

"Don't forget me, Aier." Rúmil chimed in stepping into the converstaion with Haldir not far behind.

"Forget you?" She sniffled slightly as she held back tears.

"You forget a lot of things." Rúmil chuckled but there was an underlying sincerity in the words. "Even who you are." It felt as if he spoke to one who was no longer there. A person within her that no longer existed. She had forgotten who she was. It was true. But she remember the truth.

"Auta miqula orqu." She responded to lighten the air. After a long moment both elves laughed and Rúmil wrapped his arms around her waste and lifted her as he spun around. She could not help but try to enjoy the moment as the laughter of Haldir and Orophin joined hers

When she was returned to her feet Haldir approached. His face had become stern and he looked concerned for her. She had always looked up to Haldir, from the first moment she met him. He was honorable.

"Lle naa belegohtar." He spoke placing a hand on her shoulder, "Tenna' ento lye omenta .....stay safe, "

"Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva." She let the tears fall down her cheeks as Haldir pulled her into his embrace. She had grown close to them, they were her family and were never to be forgotten.

"Take this with you." Haldir said in a hushed tone as he handed her his green pack. She wrapped her hands around the strap but looked to him curiously.

"Your pack?" She inquired at the gift.

"And my blade. May it keep you safe." He replied with a sad smile upon his lips. Haldir had wanted to forge her blade but perhaps he found this more meaningful. Amalia hugged him again tightly. She would miss Haldir and Orophin, she'd miss them all.
Yet even when she set sail she felt a pit in her stomach greater than her anxiety of water. She gripped Haldir's sword knowing she'd use it to fight the witchking and die with it. In her mind was also the memory of Elrond. A hope that extinguished the flames of anger lit by darkness as long as she thought of it.

"You know what it is you must do." The voice of Galadriel rang through her mind. Amalia did know.

"I do. And I will face it to save the life of another. He will not perish. That I swear." Amalia promised the lady. It was her fault Haldir had been exposed to danger and to evil. It was her fault that it seeped into his veins and boiled his blood. She would save him.

"A noble cause." Galadriel responded, "farewell Amalia, guest of Imladris and daughter of flame." It was a farewell indeed.


Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa - your heart is that of a lion

Aier - short one

Auta miqula orqu- go kiss an orc

Tenna' ento lye omenta - until we next meet

Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva- sweet water and light laughter till next we meet

Voronwir- loyal one

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