A New Path And A New Guilt

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It was dark in Lothlorien. A serene darkness not a foul one. The voices of the elves were singing a lament for Gandalf. One Amalia could feel in her heart. The words she understood all too well. The knowledge of elven planted in her mind with no memory of how it came to be. It simply was and as such she would let it be.
She was making her way down to the fellowship where she found all but the ring bearer Frodo. Her cloak hid her features and her hood was drawn. Orophin and his brother could not know her purpose. Amalia was glad for the absence of the ring bearer for being so close to ... it .. again was not the wisest course of action.

"A lament for Gandalf." Legolas stated and she saw him look up into the trees and then to the hobbits below.

"What do they say about him?" One asked and Amalia could sense the nostalgia. The grief.

"The grief is still too near, I have not the heart to tell you." The prince responded:

"Rest now. While you can." Aragorn almost ordered but Amalia could see the other human, Boromir, stir uncomfortably. He was weak to the ring. Weak to its power. He felt the draw as much as she did and she wondered how long it would take him to break.

"I will find no rest here." Boromir said with distaste, "I heard a voice inside my head." He whispered to Aragorn but Amalia's keen ears picked up on it. Deciding she had heard enough from the company and crept down into their gathering with her face still hidden.

"The wraiths. They pursue you do they not?" Amalia asked while approaching Legolas of Greenwood. The blonde elf looked to her with a confused expression. Aragorn walked up to them and Legolas looked to him. She could see the dwarf Gimli stand and grip his axe but did not approach. They knew her identity and what she had done... such guilt to bear. Yet hooded as she was they would at least listen.

"Ring wraiths are a dangerous thing to be seeking." Aragorn spoke and Amalia turned to strider. She had known of him for many years and he no doubt knew of her. He was old. Too old for a mortal.

"And I am a dangerous person, Aragorn, son of Arathorn." the look the ranger gave her then was of confusion an caution. It was good that he was cautious. They were in a dangerous position carrying the weapon of their enemy. Her enemy. She needed to remind herself of that fact.

"How do you know this?" Legolas questioned. The elf looked stern and cautious.

"Legolas Greenleaf son of King Thranduil of the woodland realm." She eerily recited his identity as well with a slight bow. It was only the respectful thing to do.

"I do not believe we have met." Aragorn stated shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His hand was nearing his blade but she knew there was no cause for fight. Once a ranger always a ranger. In his heart he was wild but in his soul he was king. She could sense the ability to lead in him. He already was leading. Did he know that? You can take it. Take their lives and claim it. She pushed aside the swell of anger. So used to disregarding the hiss in her mind.

"We have indeed met." Amalia lowered her hood and gave a slight bow to them. "As unfortunate as the circumstances were." When her scarlet eyes met those of Aragorn he drew his sword. Amalia raised her hands to show she meant no harm. The bandages were no longer there revealing her deep wounds. The marks penetrated all the way through her hands. Healed as they were they still scarred.

"You know me as the Scarletfox, do you not?" She questioned and Aragorn only glared. Amalia laughed at his actions, as if he could stop her. The man nodded slightly showing he did know. "I am Amalia. And is it not you that I mean to harm." The words were spoken confidently and were a reminder to herself as well. Aragorn was not her enemy.

"It was Elrond as I recall." Aragorn snarled.

"That was not I." Amalia put her hand on his blade to lower it slightly. She would not harm them but she would not blame them either. "Who I seek is the witchking of Angmar. It was he who took my body to kill the Lord Elrond and it is he I will destroy." She explained and Aragorn glared at her for a long while before lowering his sword. He would have been told of her ... ailment in Rivendell.

"You are no ordinary elleth." Legolas stated the obvious. The prince stepped forward and Amalia gave a subtle nod.

"That is correct." She confirmed. Aragorn sheathed his blade. She looked down and then back at Aragorn. He was waiting for an explanation and an answer, that much she could see in his eyes.

"I wish to kill the witchking." She repeated to make her point, "and he is after you."

"No man can kill him." Aragorn extended a hand to prove the point, "and no man can harm him. He is neither living nor dead."

"I know this:" She answered, "For I am his daughter." Aragorn's eyes widened and his hand returned to his blade.

"However, I had a family... a real family and because of him they are gone. And because of this evil Gandalf is gone as well. I seek to rid middle earth of that evil and I will see it done." She raised her voice slightly as she grew angry, "with or without the help of your fellowship, I will seek the witchking." Aragorn's stance loosened and she saw Legolas give him a nod. Yet he still seemed wary.

"You are wary but know this, both I and the Lord Elrond have foreseen my death and I will face it not run from it." She stated. Amalia could see their expressions change and soften slightly. "My fate is tied to your fellowship."

"Then it will be an honor to fight along side you." Legolas stated and a light sound came from behind them. Amalia turned to see the ever still downcast features of Elora. She barely raised her head any longer.

"I will stay here." Elora informed, "I wish not for more battle." The witch looked down in a silent bow before departing with Celebourn. Yet Amalia could not help but feel she would not see Elora again. In a way she felt she had betrayed her. Whatever it was that had happened in Laketown had torn the two apart. As the city burned Amalia remember how she only stood still amongst the flames. How she felt hopeless and defenseless against the forces of evil. The darkness that was in her was too much... perhaps she had betrayed Elora after all... perhaps she had left her... a new guilt to bear.

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