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The forest near Lothlorien was beautiful but quiet. Deadly quiet. Not a single bird chirped and not a single animal made any loud sound. The silence was unnerving and unsettling. The horses hooves barely made a sound against the forest floor but it was loud compared to the quietness everywhere else.

It was much more merry in Rivendell but perhaps Lothlorien would be different than last she saw. However she didnt remember Lothlorien. She did remember the words of Galadriel over sixty years ago. She had said that Amalia was close to the answer so maybe now Amalia could ask what she meant. Amalia sighed uneasily and searched the terrain around her.

"Is something wrong, Amalia?" Elrond asked breaking her from her thoughts. She avoided his gaze and sighed again.

"Its quiet..." she replied after a long moment.

"Indeed." Was his brief reply, "we are close." Amalia sighed again and slouched in her saddle. Daewen seemed to sense this and lurched forward almost knocking her off.

"Daewen!" Amalia scolded but the horse wasn't finished. Daewen began prancing about and rearing. She pulled back on the reigns trying to stop the horse but Daewen bolted then reared, she kept her saddle through experience,

"Amalia!" Elrond dismounted but she raised a hand to let them know she was alright.

"She did that on purpose." Elrond chuckled at the disapproval on Amalia's face. Daewen snorted and stamped her feet and as soon as Amalia stood the horse pushed her with her nose.

"Stop Daewen!" Amalia put a hand on the horses head trying to calm her just as an arrow appeared in Amalia's face.

"Quite the show you put on." A blonde elf spoke. He was aiming his bow at her and several more arrows came from behind the trees.

"Haldir." Elrond greeted the elf causing the elves to unarm themselves.

"Lord Elrond." Haldir seemed surprised, "forgive me." The elf bowed and his features seemed familiar somehow... so did his voice.

"You seem familiar." Amalia spoke her mind while removing her hood.

"I doubt anyone could forget those eyes, Amalia." Haldir smiled, "we have met before but we were both young, I doubt you could remember." Amalia made it seem as if her curiosity was satisfied but it wasn't. That was not the answer she was looking for. Her eyes were drawn then to the figure behind Haldir.

"Rúmil?" Amalia stepped around Haldir to confirm the identity of the elf. It was indeed Rúmil. She hugged the elf who had saved her life. It was good to know he had survived.

"I owe you a debt, Rúmil." She smiled. He smiled back placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You own me nothing Penneth. It was you who saved me, Mellon." Amalia bowed, she remembered him knowing Orophin and hoped dearly that Rúmil would remember as well.

"I know of one who will be eager to meet you." Rúmil had a glint in his eyes that Amalia deciphered. He was speaking of Orophin. How she longed for answered. She was so close to the truth now she could barely contain the desire to ride forth and take the answers. Yet she suppressed the thought and tried to regain a patience that was hard fought for.

"It seems an introduction in unnecessary." Haldir tilted his head obviously confused at the display. The two looked alike, Haldir and Rúmil, though Haldir carried himself more respectively.

"Indeed," Rúmil began, "we met on the battle field. I do recall you being pinned by a warg."

"I had the situation under control." She retorted and Rúmil crossed his arms.

"Until its rider almost beheaded you." He added.

"I was perfectly fine. You on the other hand left your side completely vulnerable to attack." Amalia defended herself and Rúmil rolled his eyes her whispering "I did, didn't I?"

"Haldir, I need to speak with Lady Galadriel." Elrond made his intentions clear while Amalia and Rúmil spoke quietly of the events of the battle. Mostly gratitude from the Ellon.

"Of course, my lord, I shall take you to her" Haldir bowed and began leading the small company from Rivendell. Rúmil taking her arm politely so they could speak as he led her.


(Freshly updated though I am really tired and may come back to improve details later)

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