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Amalia felt the cold grasp of the "pure" being before her. He once again wanted something from her that she would not give.

"You cannot deny your true purpose. What I seek is in the possession of a young hobbit. You will retrieve it."

"I will not."  She spat. Her wit was all that she had and she would keep it close to herself. This foul being would not take away who she was. She was Amalia. Daughter of Elewen and Rhûn. No one would take that from her. She would be that person.

"Oh but you will." A force pressed against Amalia's mind and she fought back.

"I am Amalia. Daughter of Rhûn and Elewen and I will not obey you! I will not obey!" She stood and faced the creature with new found courage. This threat would cease now or never.

*                                       *                                   *

(Lindir POV)

Lindir sat watching Amalia toss slightly in her sleep. Her brow was furrowed and her skin moved from the heat she was emanating. He had been told to watch over her and to alert Lord Elrond of any changes but after all these years did they really expect she would wake.

Even with his doubt Lindir remained at her side. Should she wake, he would be the first to know.

*                                       *                                     *

(Elrond POV)

"This is Amalia's blade?" Gandalf rose an eyebrow as he voice the question. The wizard unsheathed it revealing the darkened metal of a morgul blade.

"I know not how it came into her possesion." Elrond paced in the room with Gandalf's eyes boring a hole in his back. "A question better suited for Amalia herself."

"It has been sixty years, Elrond." Gandalf spoke after the long silence that had ensued. The conversation had gone from the threat of the ring to that of Amalia's condition. "Her body remains alive but I fear her mind does not."

"Amalia still fights the darkness within her." Elrond responded, hopeful that she could still recover. Her outbursts had not stopped, she still fought even in her weakened state. Amalia was a strong elleth, the darkness would not take her. He was confident she would live yet.

"My lord!" Lindir burst into the room breathing heavily. The look on his face was of pure surprise and slight horror. "It is Amalia." Elrond gave a concerned glance toward Gandalf before quickly exiting the room. A concern crossed his mind as to why she would awaken now. The answer however was one he hoped he was wrong about.

As Elrond made his way down the halls he could hear feint whispers and sobs. Yet before he could he could approach where Amalia lay, Gandalf stooped him.

"You know it can be of no coincidence that he would release her now." Gandalf warned, but indeed Elrond did know. "The ring is within her grasp. He will use her." The concern in Gandalf's voice was obvious on his face as well.

"I am aware." Elrond spoke making eye contact with before entering Amalia's room. He could only hope it was truly her and something much... darker.
His eyes fell upon her sitting form. Her back against the head board and her knees pulled to her chest. As soon as her scarlet eyes fell upon him she stood and backed away shakily. She looked haunted.

"Stay away." She stuttered with tears in her eyes. "I will not obey you! I will not harm them!" She yelled turning herself around slowly until she let out a scream and clasped her head in her hands.

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