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Imladris had become a very homely place to Amalia but her soul could not be tied down. Not with so many unanswered questions. Yet as much as she wanted to move on she had been told she was close to Orophin, close to the answer and answers were something she was seeking more than anything else. That is why she stayed and the elves in Rivendell were more than welcoming to her.

"Lindir?" Amalia adressed the elf curiosity obvious in her voice as she adjusted the sword belted at her hip. The elf turned to her inquiring as to what it was she needed. "Where is Elrond?"

"My lord Elond is preparing to leave. There is word of orcs near our borders." Lindir answered in a proper fashion. Amalia nodded and thanked him before setting off towards the hidden pass. She could see Lord Elrond in the same armor as when she first met him. The dark brown mail tinged with ebony in some places, fit to his body as if forged just for him. He sat proudly on his horse surrounded by soldiers who were equally as armed.
The soldiers began leaving but Amalia stopped Lord Elrond, grabbing the reigns of his horse who snorted at her in protest.

"Amalia." Elrond gasped at the action she took.

"I am going with you." She stated rather than asked, her stubborn demeanor was unchanging. Amalia would not take no as an answer and was prepared to defy him should he refuse.

"This is not your home to defend." Elrond responded though not harshly, he was more questioning the reasoning for her willingness to fight. The look on his face was not of anger or worry but of confusion.

"Why should that prevent me from doing what is right?" She argued, anger obvious in her voice but there came no answer to her question. "I will not sit idle. I saw one home destroyed, I will not see another." Elrond seemed to soak in the words for a moment to discover there true meaning before a smile crossed his lips. He extended a hand to her from his place on his mount. She took his hand knowing her point had been made and Elrond helped her onto his horse for there was no time to saddle another one. Amalia sat behind him one arm steadying her self by holding his waist and the other held the hilt of her sword prepared to use it. Anticipation for battle radiated off of her in waves, finally able to leave the halls and see the fields again. The presence of the elf in front of her was less awkward now, she had grown accustomed to him and their late conversations on the many balconies of his home.

(Elrond's POV)

Elrond had been surprised when Amalia had almost called Imladris her home. He was more than happy to have her join the fight as he rode straight into the midst of elven horses and orcs upon wargs.
The sudden loss of weight behind him caused his horse to rear and he turned to see that Amalia had leapt off and was drawing her sword. Elrond let go of the reigns trusting his horse has he armed himself with a bow. He let loose arrow after arrow, always keeping an eye on Amalia incase she needed assistance. He was, however, not surprised that she knew more of combat than one would expect. She was, after all, more skilled than even she knew.

(Amalia POV)

Amalia swung fast, a dagger in her left hand sword in her right. Her blades clashed with those of the orcs as she easily cut them down. She was, however, aware of lord Elrond firing at any or who she struggled against or simply got to close. Why did he seem so concerned.

As the battle progressed Amalia noticed more wargs, she sheathed her blades replacing them with her bow and began slaughtering the riders. She knew that being on the ground gave her a disadvantage against the wargs. With swift movements and a flawed plan she embedded an arrow into an orc upon a warg and use it to mount the beast. She held her breath hoping her plan would work as she threw the foul smelling orc to the ground. The lifeless body tumbled away but the beast made no attempt to make her dismount, she doubted it saw here as a threat.

Amalia with bow an arrow from the wargs back but the scene was drawing too many orcs attention. An arrow suddenly pierced the warg she was upon  causing it to tumble sideways with her leg trapped under its weight and her back slammed against the rock behind her. She was trapped between the beast and the stone. Hands pushed at the heavy warg trying to get free but to no avail.

"Having fun are you?" A woman's voice spoke from behind her and Amalia looked up to see the staff of a what appeared to be a female wizard.

"Of course." Amalia sassed trying to shove the warg again as the wizard hit an approaching orc with the auburn staff. "I do so enjoy being trapped by a warg." She snarled.

"Well surely you don't need my assistance then." Amalia grunted still trying to push the bloodied wary off her leg. She hit back any pride and distaste in wizards. "No, no, I do." The witch sighed dropping down to help pull the warg off of Amalia. "What do they feed these things. They smell terrible."
Amalia sighed at the witch with an unusual sense of humor and emersed herself back into battle ignoring the strange woman. She limped slightly, favoring her weakened left leg, but still fought bravely. Many orcs met their fate at the end of blade until a warg stared her down. She feared to make a move knowing it would charge her if she did. Amalia simply glared into its mindless ebong pupils trying to decide her next move until the wary seemed to lose its patience. The beast leapt but before it could reach her,

"Amalia!" Elrond's voice called out to her and she turned to see his horse galloping straight for her. With ease he held out his hand and she ran to take it. There was no stopping as she clasped his forearm and pulled her onto the back of his horse. She sheathed her sword and loosed as many arrows as she could from behind him until the horn signalling the enemies retreat sounded.

Amalia's eyes then returned to the strange witch. Her auburn staff matched the brown, strapless leather corset around the woman's torso. A long dark skirt hung from the leather at her waist, slightly muddied from battle. Her long auburn hair was tied back in a messy bun and a devious smile was plastered on her face. The stranger approached Elrond's horse giving what seemed to be a sarcastic bow.

"Lord Elrond." She addressed him with a sensed familiarity.

"Elora." He greeted her in return, "I hardly expected to see you here."

"Yes well. Such things happen on occasion." The witch replied with a chuckle, "I heard you had a guest, this is she is it not?"

"It is." Amalia snapped tiredly, without dismounting from Elrond's horse. "And she can speak for herself."

"Well does she have a name then?" Elora laughed, eyeing her.

"Amalia, the Scarletfox."

"Ah. You are the ranger. I've heard of you. I am Elora. Daughter of Gandalf."

On the ride back to Imladris Amalia felt tired .. weaker than she had ever felt before. Her head  coming to rest between his shoulder blades more often than she wished. Her energy seemed to be drained from her, sucked out of her being, sapped from her veins.

"Amalia?" A barely audible question from the elf she now realized she was gripping tighter than she meant to. Her arm loosened but head did not raise off of his back. She saw the familiar pillars of Imladris and realized they were in within the house of Elrond now. Had they really traveled the distance already? Or had she fallen asleep. Strange that she should feel so weak.

"I find myself... drained of strength." The support left her as Elrond dismounted gracefully, turning only just in time catch her as she lost all strength to hold herself up. Her body crashed into his strong armored chest and legs gave way. Hands on his shoulders to steady herself as he held her up.


That's right gandalf has a daughter. Don't hate me, she exists for a reason.

The picture at the top is Elora.

(Updated and rewritten April 2nd) :)

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