Flames of War

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(Elronds POV)

Dear lord of Imladris,
The people of Laketown are afraid, they are starved and look to the lonely mountain with terror. They fear the dwarves will bring their destruction. I believe they are correct.
Do not believe that I have forgotten your vision, but I must stay. I have made my choice and should I die know it was my choice and my duty to these people. I do not fear death. I will face it now for if I don't it will follow me forever.

Elrond stared at the words written on the parchment with despair. He had hoped deep down that she would return but part of him knew she never was going to return. All he could think now was where was she. With a sigh he ran his tired fingers over his face. This wasn't the fate she deserved.

* * *
(Amalia POV)

Her head spun, the world blurred and for a moment all she could see was the blurry hues of crimson all around her. Horrified people were screaming and the cries of abandoned children were loudest of all. Mothers calling for their loved ones and men  shouting inaudibly.. the memory of dragons breathe upon her skin.

Amalia turned around, sweat beading over skin from the heat of the flames. Ash and dirt stuck to her body and clumped in her hair. All she could do was stand, hands gripped her weapons until her knuckles turned white but what good would they be against a dragon.

"Amalia!" The mothers voice screamed, straining to get the words out as she struggled against the grip of her husband. They were so clear, so hurt and so tired. Pain was plastered on their faces as they failed to reach Amalia. The mother fought harder.

"We have to get out!" Amalia's father struggled to restrain the woman.

"Noo! Not without my children." She cried, tears streaming down her face leaving trails through the dirt.

"She's not yours!"

"She may as well be!"

Amalia shook the memory away, the gusts from the dragons wings bringing her back to reality. Her breathing was erratic and her muscles tense. She turned around looking for someone, anyone but all her eyes could see was charred wood and the bright light of flickering flames. Her hair stuck to her face uncomfortably but she cared not to move it.

"Orophin!" Amalia cried out running through the burning house. Wood was falling and her brother Amaline was screaming downstairs. Beads of blood ran down Amalia's face and she couldn't tell if it was hers or not.

"Amaline!" She yelled for her brother, her heart was racing from the fear she felt. Everything was crumbling around her, even the house groaned in protest.

"Amalia!" Amaline's voice called out to her, beckoning for her aid but she could not see through the smoke. Her lungs let out dry coughs as they searched for clean air but there was none. The foul smoke burned her nose and made her throat itch. Her footing faltered slightly and Amalia found herself tumbling down the stairs. Her head smashed against the wood several times on the way down until all she could feel was the throbbing of her limbs.

She lay still for awhile, hearing nothing but the crackling of the fire. Amalia turned her head searching for something but found only scarlet. She thought about letting the flames take her until a scream broke through.

"Amaline!" She called for it had been his scream.

Once again Amalia shook the images away, yet every time she looked into the flames she could see their faces. She could hear their cries. She remembered distant things.

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