A Promise

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"Come, Amalia" Orophin tugged her wrist bringing her Valor knows where.

"Why are you in such a rush? Orophin. Slow down." He was beginging to tire her but she smiled at him all the same. It had been so long since she felt the lift of her lips in a smile and the feeling of family. Still she would not deny that what had come to light was  ever on her mind. A sense of not belonging and separation always about her. And a presence always pressing upon her mind. One that she had learned to ignore as well as she could. Lady Galadriel had strong magic and her powers kept the darkness at bay. Here, in lórien, Amalia could think more clearly. The trees seemed to blur by her as he quickened his pace. The souls of the ancient forest seemed to know her. She could feel it underneath the bark and when the wind blew the leaned away from her. Repulsed by the flames yet still reaching for the sun.

"Haldir!" Orophin shouted raising his other hand to draw the attention of other Ellon. His voice was just as she remembered it and he was just as loud and rambunctious as her memories... or .. those memories anyway.

"What is it now, Orophin?" The elf inquired as he turned to face Amalia's brother. A look of shock washed over the elfs face as he laid eyes on Amalia and she felt quite uncomfortable.

"I told you, Haldir." Orophin stated with a sense of pride as he crossed his arms infront of him. "I knew she would love Lothlorien and I knew you would both adore her."

"Hello again Haldir." She smiled politely. "Orophin, I've been to Lothlorien before." Amalia exclaimed causing Orophin to elbow her lightly. It was nice to see an ellon who had not lost his sense of fun. He was much younger than her old soul though.

"Indeed you have." Haldir spoke without the slightest smile, and Amalia found no comfort in the words. In fact Haldir had not seemed to happy about her arrival in Lothlorien at first. Though he did show her much kindness. "I need to speak to you, Amalia."

Amalia lowered her gaze but felt both elves eyes on her. Their gaze made her shift uncomfortably, especially that of Haldir.

"What about," Her brother asked as the smile washed off his face. "Amalia?" He grabbed her arm and pulled her though not harshly. "What aren't you telling me?"

"It does not concern you, Orophin.." Haldir spoke ominously, the words traveled down her spine unpleasantly.

"Haldir!" Orophin snapped, turning on his older sibling at the way he had spoken. Of course her presence would drive them apart.

"You must not know, Penneth!" Haldir rose his voice and Amalia knew the words were true. She knew Haldir held no disdain for her, he simply wanted what was best for his brother. Orophin could not know the future Amalia had foreseen. It would crush him. Out of all of them he was closest to her, always caring for her. "He must not know."

"I know." Amalia replied raising her eyes to meet those of Haldir's, the March warden needed to know she was sincere. "I know he cannot know but you do not know the whole truth either, Haldir." She spoke softly trying to keep the conversation nonviolent. Haldir's blue eyes bore into her soul searching for the truth.

"What is it you need, Haldir?" She asked in response to his searching gaze. Amalia was well prepared to answer.

"What do you know?!" Orophin interrupting again more angrily. He had become suspicious as of late and was growing increasing less patient with them for 'harboring secrets' as he accused them before.

"Calm yourself Orophin." She confessed slowly, "you know we do not share the same blood."

"No." Orophin's brow furrowed and he clenched his teeth, "no. I will not hear of that any more." He practically growled before storming off. Amalia could only watch as he retreated from her angrily, she knew that had she told him all of the truth he would want to take her place. It would do him more harm than good. He could not know the full truth. He could not know.

"Leave him be." Haldir placed a hand on her shoulder as if he sensed her guilt. "He needs time." Amalia felt that she could trust Haldir. He was the oldest of the brothers though not older than her but that didn't necessarily make him the wisest and yet she felt that he was. The direct and forceful way Haldir had brought up the topic reminded her of her mother.... their mother, in a way at least. That would take some time to get used to. He would gladly share the memories with her, to let her have them as her own. She needed them, maybe even more than he did. They were not blood but they were family and he would ensure that she knew that.

"Lady Galadriel is wary of you. I was told to watch over you very closely." Haldir answered, she could see the honesty in his eyes. A quality not many have in these dark times. Galadriel was wise enough to know how much danger Amalia's presence brought but she was safest here in Lothlorien.

"She is right to have me guarded." Amalia confirmed though she knew it meant very "Can I ask something of you, Haldir?" The elf looked to her suspiciously and tilted his head slightly before nodding slowly once.

"Should I ever show any sign that I will harm Orophin, Rúmil or yourself... kill me." She spoke without taking her scarlet eyes away from his sapphire gaze. The look she gave him was of pure earnesty. His gaze stirred with slight confusion. "I mean it." She wiped all doubt from his mind, needing him to do as she said.

"Why would you ask such from me?" He furrowed his brow slightly in a way that reminded her of Elrond.

"Because I must." She answered briefly but she could see by his expression that the reply was niy enough, "there is a darkness in me that cannot be allowed to take control."

"A darkness that will not gain hold of you." Haldir clasped his hands over her shoulders confidently.

"Just promise me, Haldir," she insisted, " that should anyone come to harm by my hand you will not hesitate to kill me." Haldir did not answer for a long while and she could only stand. He seemed to be contemplating her words deeply, scrutinizing them and turning them over in his mind. Conflicted no doubt.
The silence began to unnerve her. She had thought Haldir would easily consent to what she said.

"I can promise you this," he finally broke the eery silence, "that I will do what I can to prevent harm.... I can promise nothing more." Amalia's heart sank. If she was able to harm another being while her body was out of her control she may have to take her own life.

"That will not stop it, I'm afraid." She exaled the words letting her eyes fall to the grassy floor under her feet.

"What is it you fear?" His hand once again found her shoulder to draw her gaze. There were many answers  to such a question. She had many fears swirling inside of her mind and consuming her every thoughts. She feared every sleeping moments and every waking alike. She feared the witchking. But most of all...

"Myself." She confessed and the expression on his face only grew more confused. "My blood is tainted ... an evil that I alone cannot control. I have failed before and I will fail again."

"But you are not alone." She froze at the words he spoke. Amalia wanted to be alone, she could not harm anyone if she was alone for there was no one to harm. "I hope you know that I meant to offense when I raised my voice earlier. I was merely..."

"You were protecting your family, I understand." She tried to smile to hide the pain in her heart but failed to do so.

"You are my family as well. There is good blood in you. Strong blood." He stated placing a hand under her chin. "I will protect you just as I have protected my brothers. That I swear." A tear rolled down her cheek at the honesty in his words. She felt Haldir really would keep this promise. That he could keep her safe but part of her felt that she was over estimating him. Yet she wanted to trust.

"Hannon le, Haldir." She managed to stammer as the lump in her throat passed and she let her tears fall. He clasped his arms around her in a warm embrace. Amalia felt a brotherly protection that she had not felt before.

"You are welcome, Tinthen aras."


Tinthen aras - little dear

Penneth- young one

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