Chapter 7 : The Girl To Girl Talk

Start from the beginning

"Wasn't this supposed to be a single date?" Yui asks to which Setsuna says, "See, just few days ago, you were complaining how your mother was nagging you to find a partner and Izuku's mother is asking him to get married. I totally see this as a win-win situation".

"Well for your kind information, nobody marries a guy as soon as she meets them", Yui says to which Kinoko says, "Well Yui has never heard about 'elopement' or 'shotgun wedding'". Ibara looks chastised and quickly says, "Pre martial sex is a big no! How disgusting! It goes against the word of god!" which causes other girls to sigh. Setsuna looks at the florist and asks, "You are saying that you never went that far with your boyfriend?" The florist gains a proud look on her face and says, "Well you are absolutely right! I am glad that I have an understanding boyfriend in Jurota".

"I kind of feel bad for him", Kinoko says bluntly which caused Ibara to gain a mortified look, Setsuna to laugh and Yui to have an amused glint in her eyes. "You are saying that you gave away your purity?" Ibara asks with her eyes widen with shock and Kinoko says, "I mean I am already engaged. I don't have a problem if I get pregnant by my fiancé. Both of us are financially stable so taking care of a child is not a problem".

"A CHILD BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK!? THAT'S UNACCEPTABLE!" Ibara roars and Kinoko exclaims, "Chill Ibara! It's not that I am having sex with someone else. I am having sex with my fiancé for crying out loud! Don't react like that! I love him!" Yui and Setsuna groan at this. It was actually a common sight to see Ibara and Kinoko to bicker. Kinoko not wanting to drag the topic of pre martial sex like a rubber band, quickly asks Setsuna, "Hey! Say us more about this Izuku Midoriya". Ibara quickly looks at Setsuna with curiosity, completely forgetting about the argument and she says, "Yeah! Say us! What kind of a guy is he? Is he good enough for our Yui?"

Yui would be lying if she was a not a tad bit curious about her date. She was looking at Setsuna and the said woman gave her a smug grin, which annoyed Yui a lot. She lets out a sigh and says, "FINE! Even I am curious".

"You should be curious", Setsuna says as a matter of fact and she says, "Izuku, is my childhood best friend. We played together, we hanged out together, and sometimes we even slept on the same bed. Ibara get your mind out of the gutter". Ibara was about to retort back, when she looked at the others and none of them took the meaning of the words the way she did. She blushes in embarrassment and apologizes. Setsuna continues to say, "Yui, I am going to be truthful when it comes to Izuku, because when he says these things, I don't want you to misunderstand". The gamer nods and the animator continue saying, "In his whole life, Izuku has dated only two girls. Do you remember Texas_Girl from yesterday's stream?" Yui nods and says, "Yeah! She did mention that she had dated him at some point".

Setsuna nods and says, "Yeah! She was basically his first girlfriend and after breaking up with her, he was single for six months and then he found another girl. They dated for two years but because of the reasons which Izuku will reveal to you, if you go out with him, they broke up and Izuku has been single for eight years now". "Thank god! I was partially wishing for my date to have some dating experience because I have no fucking idea what I am supposed to do", Yui says to which Ibara retorts, "Language!"

"Don't worry much. Izuku is nice. How nice? He is literally 'I love pandas' nice but there is only one thing that would make him very angry", Setsuna says which causes everyone's attention to perk up. Yui gulps down the saliva which was building in her throat and asks, "And that is?"

"Talk bad about his mother, Ochako, me and his daughter and he would literally let the hell loose on you and for the love of god, please don't talk about 'The Dynamight Heads' around him or with him", Setsuna says out loud which caused a chill run down the listeners' spine. But amongst that Ibara heard something and she quickly noticed Yui's lack of comfort. The florist quickly says, "Wait a minute! Did you just say 'daughter'?" Yui perked up and internally thanked Ibara. She was not sure whether she heard Setsuna correct or not, but to think that even Ibara heard that word relieved her, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

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