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"Given the choice between one lifetime spent with you or a thousand without, I will always choose you."

I walk in, straight to the receptionist

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I walk in, straight to the receptionist. "Bethany Pierce, where is she?" I asked. The lady looks surprised, probably at my hostility.

"We don't have anyone under that name in our system, is there a different last name?" I zone her out, realizing what that meant. Dread filled my body, every part of me felt completely shattered.

Edward Cullen comes into view, turning the corner of the hospital. His button up shirt completely covered in blood. I want to puke at the thought of it, he was there. I don't hesitate I walk up to him completely knocking him in the face.

He shoots back up, not hitting back, instead pushing me out the doors. I go to hit him again, not knowing anything else but anger and pain. He throws one this time at me, I get back up, the ache taking away the internal pain.

"Jacob she is in surgery! She isn't dead! They are trying to save her life!" He screams, standing far from me.

I think I felt the air completely leave my body, 'trying to save her' taking over my head.

"She was hurt, badly those creatures they came after her on her way home. Alice got a vision, but we were too late." It wasn't too late, he was a fucking idiot.

"Jacob she is an elemental she has the advantage to survive this. Don't give up hope." Alice chimes in, coming from who knows where. I nod, feeling completely helpless.

I go back inside following them, dropping down by a wall, awaiting the news. I don't react when the pack shows up, they hound me with questions but I focus on the white tile, knowing I couldn't keep her from having the same fate as her parents, tearing into me.

Carlisle Cullen comes out to the lobby, not caring in the moment that he was her doctor, I guess her surgery was over. I study his face as good as I can, if this is good news or bad news I can't tell. I get up off the floor, but stay leaning against the wall. It feels as though I wouldn't be able to walk properly.

I stay watching him. Waiting for his next words. "She just had surgery for her leg, a piece of metal from the car seemed to cause a laceration all the way to her bone and severe bleeding. We have got the bleeding to stop but we are still removing...the metal from her leg. This is a serious surgery, that will be a couple more hours before I can give you anymore news."

"What are the chances are they good?" Alice asks him. Carlisle looks to Edward for a moment, communicating through their heads I guess.

"He doesn't know, it's a 50/50 it's up to her." Edward says, his face showing pain. I get up from the back at that.

"What do you mean it's up to her?" I asked.

"A human wouldn't have survived Jacob, that's the reality of it. She is alive, and healing but she has only so much her body will take. It's up to her, her body, if it can take it."

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