All Places Hell

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"She would fight for him, but she could not heal him. She would not waste her life trying."

Walking out of school I notice Paul, Jacob, Jace, and the rest

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Walking out of school I notice Paul, Jacob, Jace, and the rest. All of them just standing by there vehicles, talking. I ignore them and get to my car but before I can get all the way there I hear my name being called. Ty is running up to me.

"Hey, 6 o clock okay with you?" I put on a grin. I can feel him watching us.

"6 is fine see you then." I shoot him a heartbreaking smile. He gleams at me, I think he might like me. I just don't feel anything to give any boy a chance right now, but I can try.

I look over my shoulder one last time at them all standing there talking, I catch Jacob's eye, so much more I don't know know about him. I learned a little bit with the time I've known him but I realize, he never let me know him. I was always the one to try with him, I had a hope for that boy then.

I drive home, getting the feeling of wanting to stay home in my bed would be better than a party.

I decided I'd go anyways that it might bring me a distraction. I take Copper on a walk before I start getting ready at 5, I don't eat anything, the appetite I used to have hasn't been around lately.

I hear a knock at the door, I open it to Ty, he grins at my outfit. I was wearing a Purple jacket with a black tank top, and black jeans.

"Wow you look amazing, your parents want to meet me before we go?" I let out a laugh at his naive expression.

"Yeah if we stop over at the Forks Cementary we might catch them." His face falls.

"I didn't know sorry babe."

"It's cool, you ready to go?" He nods and we make our way to his car, he drives a v6 Mustang.

"I love your car!" I tell him.

"Back in London I would do a lot of racing, with my cousins, we'd bet on our cars and almost always win."

"I bet the scene over there is entirely different than the dragstrip I go to in Seattle, have you ever crashed?"

"I got to drive one time and yeah I did crash, it was bad, so instead I took to fixing them up before the race and being the head of betting. I would hold onto millions of dollars till the end of the show."

He looks over at me, "Why would you move here? I bet the life over there's amazing. As soon as I can I'm getting out of this town. A girl like you belongs in the big city, with everything at your feet." He tries to whoo me.

I laugh, "You might be right, I did belong to the city lights but now I love this town. I might leave though, go back to where I belonged." I knew though I didn't belong there, I just thought I did.

We make our ways inside, it's full of people I didn't know. Sarah walks up to us drunk by the way she's walking crooked. I giggle at that. People are funny drunk, it brings out the best characters.

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