Dangerous Touch

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"You," he said, "are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world, and that, I believe, is why you are in so much pain.""

I made it to the beach by 4:30 I took the old path Ronny showed me

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I made it to the beach by 4:30 I took the old path Ronny showed me. I'm not much for driving if I don't have to. Plus the walk gives me time to think of some good poetry. 'Green all I seen was a darkened green for miles of my life yet to come.' Was a piece of a new one I was working on since I got here. I never let anyone know I wrote this stuff, it was in with my journal and all over my walls at home.

Walking down to the shore, I take in the dark ocean, I was always entranced by such a thing. Like I could just feel myself drawn too it, 'come closer' It'd whisper, over and over. I never seen a beach much unless it was summer so living right by one was a good kind of different. I looked around for the boys but didn't see any. But off in the distance I come to see them jumping off these giant cliffs over on the right side of the ocean. I was astonished when I seen them fall.

'So I wasn't the only crazy one to swim in the cold.' I thought. I sat and waited a few minutes taking in the water and the air. It was cold but something about it felt like I should be here. Right here by this water. My brain wanted to deny that I could ever like this place. Wanted to rebel against it. I didn't belong here, I knew I didn't. But a softer side one who was done with chaos was wanting to learn this place, to belong.

Out of no where in deep thought I was swept off my feet and hung upside down over a shoulder. I screamed at whoever it was and smacked them how I would hit someone I didn't know. Hard.

"Ow Beth why do you hit so hard?!" Paul said as he sat me down rubbing at his head.

I laughed "that's what you get for scaring me." Jace walks up, only sporting shorts and no shirt. His defined stomach and toned shoulders is the first thing I look too. I take notice at the rest of them and how they dressed in the middle of the October weather. They were built all muscular and tall, all looked like men out of magazine articles.

"How long have you been here? We went cliff diving a minute ago cause Paul was begging too." He said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah I was watching you all I thought I was the only one to enjoy the water in the cold." I say kicking at the sand on my feet.

"Oh it's for the adrenaline if anything." Paul said with a toothy grin.

"I'm an adrenaline junky myself. Running from the cops is my favorite." I said with my acting face on.

Paul laughed, "My kind of woman right here."

Jace shoved him, "you keep wishing in that well Pauly." They started grappling each other after that while I watched laughing.

They started a fire down there and we all just sat by it. The rest of the pack he said couldn't make it, so it was just a couple of us. Jace and me were talking about my English and why I didn't sound 'enough' british.

AEON | Jacob Black [1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin