You can trust me

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"Okay, I guess you can go take a shower now" she frowned

"I'll take a super quick one" I told her

"Leave the door open so I can talk to you?" She asked

"Of course" I replied as she got off of my lap and I began getting my things ready


I stood behind Ariana as she sat at the vanity and did some touch ups on her makeup. I watched her through the mirror with a smile on my face. She looked away from herself and made eye contact with me while still looking in the mirror before she spoke

"What?" She asked with a dimply smile

"You're so pretty" I sighed

Her smile got bigger, if that was even possible. She stopped doing what she was doing and stood up to face me

"Thank you" she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me

"You're very welcome" I kissed her back

"What do you want to do today?" She asked

"Whatever you want to do" I replied

"I don't know" she giggled

"I don't either" I said

"I don't care what we do as long as I'm with you" she told me

"Well that's no help at all, because I was going to say the same thing" I replied

She pouted

"How about we just stay here and cuddle all day?" She asked

"Okay" I said agreeing

"And then we can decide if we want to go out later" she added

I nodded agreeing with her once more as she gently grabbed my wrist and made me follow her out of the room and downstairs

"I know something fun we could do?" She asked as we reached the bottom of the stairs and she began walking to the kitchen

"What's that?" I asked

"You could do me on the counter" she said

My eyes widened at the sudden change in behavior

"Whoa what happened, you were just being all cute and cuddly and now you're all.." I trailed off

"Cute and horny?" She asked

"Yea" I agreed

She shrugged

"I think it would be fun" she said

"You would like that huh?" I asked jokingly

"Mmhmm" she hummed as she nodded and bit her lip

I watched as she lifted herself onto the counter

"Like now?" I asked

She nodded once more and pulled me in for a kiss by fisting my shirt

"But Ariana" I began as she kissed me roughly

"Hm?" She hummed

"In the kitchen?" I questioned

"Yes" she replied as she kissed my neck roughly

Just when I was about the speak, the doorbell rang. I diverted my eyes to the general area of the door as Ariana continued kissing and licking my neck

"Just leave it" she told me

As if on cue, the doorbell rang again followed by a knock

"What if it's important?" I asked as my chest heaving

my best friends girlfriend Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz