Getting Fit * Chris Brown * part 2

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When we got to his house he laid me on the couch

Chris: stay here ill be right back okay.

He walked away I looked around from the couch hmm seems like a big ass house. But he had a lot of art around the hosue. I saw a panting of a little girl hmm she looks so beautiful I guess that's his daughter. When he came back he had neospourn and some band aids.

Chris: okay this wont hurt ( smile) I promise and if it does then you scream my name

Arraina: now why would I scream your name

Chris: it will get your mind off the pain

Arriana: whatever

He took care of my foot he actually is very nice not what the media portrays him to be. After he made sure I was good he asked if I was hungry. He made us some breakfast some biscuits and bacon. Damn he good sweet sexy and can cook. Why he single ?

Chris: so arriana why haven't we ran into eachother sooner

Arriana: I don't know ( shurgs shoudlers)

Chris: I guess you have to go because your man going to be worried

Arriana: Actually I don't have one

Chris: you don't

Arriana : Nope aint yo girl gone be mad

Chris: you don't listen to the blog sites

Arriana: nah I don't listen to them haters. They just judging on somebody and try to make a dollar out of their falldowns in life. Its digusting

Chris: where have you been all my life

Arrinaa: Ummmmm well I moved here like three months ago I aint know you stayed here tho

Chris: look I know this is fast but I would

Arriana: Yeah you can take me out ( smile)

Chris: How you kn

Arriana: know because I aint dumb duhh you was feeling me. no nigga gives a girl food if they don't like them

Chris shook his head and stuffed another piece of bacon.

Chris: I knew it was a reason I liked you

Arriana: my booty

Chris: okay I knew it was another reason I like you

Arriana: my boobs

Chris: damn okay I like you for antoher reason

Arriana: my kitty kat

Chris: I aint taste her yet ( smirk)

Arriana: Im celibate

Chris: well im celibate until I get that pussy( smile)

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