The group slowly made their way inside the castle.
.after hearing so much about this place Harry was now very curious. Unfortunately, he couldn't get out of his prejudices, the name just sounded too much for him like a princess castle in a children's fairy tale. .When he then wandered through the corridors, however, this belief suddenly evaporated.
“Wow, just wow, that's beautiful. Luna, did you see that? ”Harry pointed to a picture, impressed.
.almost immediately the blonde girl stepped up to her boyfriend.
“Of course, why do you think I was so excited when I heard where the ball was going to take place? The Silbersterns were art collectors on a grand scale. .you will find works of art of all kinds on every floor and in every room. "
"In the toilets too?" Fred wanted to know with a smirk.
"Absolutely," Luna confirmed with a smile.
."Man, the dreamy sight makes you foolish, she's too cute," Fred complained to his brother.
The twins' companions shook their heads with a grin and Neville immediately stepped over to his beloved.
."Then just let it go. Even if you can't tell from my Luna, she is very good at serving. Or do I have to remind you of the webbed thing? "
.immediately the twins grimaced in suffering and made their way out of the field.
"Webbed?" Lucius wanted to know from Harry.
“She hexed them on them just before the holidays. .that was the revenge for making fun of their belief in Nargel, "smiled the young man.
Lucius immediately looked up inconspicuously.
"Oh, you know what nargels are?" Hermione was surprised when she saw this.
."Severus was kind enough to enlighten me. At that time I was just teasing him about Sirius and he said if I kept making stupid sayings for a long time he would explain it to me by means of a demonstration what the beings are all about. "
.the girls started to giggle and all eyes wandered to Severus who just rolled his eyes but said nothing else. After all, it was just a threat.

.they went on into the great hall because there the ball would go into the first round.Harry decided to take a tour of the property as soon as possible, he really wanted to see as many works of art as possible. When did he get such an opportunity?
."Oh yeah, didn't you want to tell me about the Redlods earlier?" Harry said.
The young man had just seen a lady who had passed them with an ax on her waist.
Severus noticed the look.
."That's a Moody, she and the Redlods have been enemies for years."
Harry quickly raised his eyes and looked at his companion.
Lucius smiled.
"No, not the way the Malfoys were at war with the Weasleys. .the feud of these two families has absolutely irrational reasons. "
“Wasn't any different with the Weasleys of the past. Our family was mostly made up of idiots, ”Percy countered.
.the blond politician gave the young man an understanding look.
“Fortunately that has changed with the new generation. I am really glad that your parents apparently had no influence at all on you all. "
."At least not a bad one. But we did include some things. For example how important family is, ”came from Ron.
"Or that you should always fight for your goals and your beliefs," Ginny said and smiled at Draco.
.he grinned like a whole sack of gold.

"The feud?" Harry came back to the subject.Such things interested him, especially because in a few years he had to deal with politics himself, by now he knew how important it was to always be well informed.
.“Oh yes, you never really got to know the real Moody, so you can't get a picture of this family. But let me tell you, they're all paranoid. .Just remember all the stories that Walburga always told you about the religious meetings. A moody who doesn't see a conspiracy around every corner is out of line. .but they're not off-putting, you can talk to them after you've got them to listen to you. It is, however, easier to teach donkeys to calculate. "
"You mean because of their hatred of dark magic?" Harry whispered.
."Among other things, yes," agreed Severus.
“The Redlods, on the other hand, are just stupid. They see every crooked look as a personal insult. Regardless of whether it was for them or not. .if you sneeze next to them, they do not wish you health, but hold a wand or a knife under your nose to cut them off. After all, you only sneezed to mock her. .It is the madness of both families that gave rise to a feud. For example, if you see this young man back there at the Auror standing next to it, he will soon have to stop him from going for the picture. "
"Why? .there is only one smiling woman pictured, ”Daphne said indignantly.
“Yeah, but he thinks she's laughing at him. For this I put my hand in the fire. I've had enough to do with this clan, "growled Lucius.
."Then why are you invited to such parties?" Colin wanted to know, startled and involuntarily pulled his Daphne closer to him.
."I don't know, I always assumed the other wizards were doing it to look better themselves," Sirius explained.
“What about the children in this family? I've never seen a student act like that, "Hermione said.
.everyone watched how the young man was really led away from the picture.
“They don't send their children to schools, for which every director is grateful. .just imagine, that would mean murder and manslaughter and we teachers already have enough to do with you 'normal' students, "snarled Severus.
"I can only agree with that," Remus confirmed.
They all burst out laughing again.
."So you are privately tutored?" Asked Astoria.
"Both in wizardry and in madness," sighed Ariel.
"Look forward to it when you sit on the council yourself. A discussion with one of them is like pulling teeth. .at least like a visit to the Muggle dentist. Thank you Hermione for your explanation, my jaw still hurts, ”Sirius wailed.
"Hey, you asked me what exactly a dentist does," she justified.
."Did you have to explain it so vividly?" The politician grumbled and rubbed his chin.
Muggles really didn't have it easy in some things.

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