Chapter 22

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 River's pov-

I woke up when the bed started jostling. I opened my eyes and saw Salah racing out of bed. She made a break for the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

I sprang out of bed and knocked on the door, " Salah, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. I could hear her throwing up. I tried to open the door but it was locked, " Can you unlock the door, mi amor?" I asked.

She didn't respond. She went silent, it sounded like she had stopped throwing up which is good but I was nervous that she wasn't making any noise. What if she passed out?

" Salah, if you don't open the door I'll break it down." I wasn't trying to be an asshole but I needed to make sure she's okay. If she wants privacy I'll respect that but I need to make sure she's okay.

" Salah, please say something, you're scaring me." I pounded on the door but got nothing in return.

" Fuck this." I muttered. I took a step back and kicked the door in, the door went flying in and I rushed in. " Fuck!" Salah was passed out on the ground.

" Baby?!" I shook her body but nothing happened. I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. I placed her on the bed and went to grab a shirt for her. I grabbed a pair of leggings and one of my heavy sweaters.

I quickly dressed her and carried her to the car. I turned on the GPS and sped off to the hospital. I tried to keep my eyes on the road but they kept drifting over to Salah every few seconds.

" Salah,baby, please wake up." I begged. I should've called the doctor earlier when she felt warm. I knew something was wrong, I should've done something.

We finally got to the hospital and I stopped abruptly at the emergency entrance. I ran around and got her out of the car.

I rushed her inside, " I need help!" I yelled and two nurses rushed over to me. " Bring her over here." I followed them and laid her down on a stretcher, " What happened?" one of them asked as the other wheeled Salah away.

" She had a fever a few hours ago and then she threw up. I found her unconscious on the bathroom floor." I told him.

" What's the patient's name?" he asked, " Salah Gervais."

" And what's your relationship to Ms. Gervais." he asked, " I'm her boyfriend." he nodded.

" Jason, we need you." another doctor called over to him. " We'll update you as soon as we can." I nodded and took a seat in the waiting room.

My legs wouldn't stop bouncing and my mind was racing with worrying thoughts. I was praying it was nothing but a cold or maybe food poisoning, just nothing serious.

After about an hour I was starting to lose it. I tried asking but they said they didn't have an update for me. I could feel the veins slowly making their way onto my arms. I was trying to control myself but my worry was becoming anger.

I spotted the nurse that had taken Salah, " Hey!" I shouted louder than I intended to. He froze when he saw me quickly approaching him, " How can I help you?" he asked.

" Where's my fucking girlfriend. I've been here for an hour you guys won't fucking tell me anything." I said in a low voice.

" Y-you-" he cleared his throat and composed himself, " You came in with Ms. Gervais, correct?" he asked.

" Yes." I answered, " Ms. Gervais is fine, she's resting at the moment." he said.

" Can I see her?" I asked, calming down. " I'm sorry, Ms. Gervais has made it clear you're not allowed to go into her room." he said, taking a step back when I shot him a deathly glare.

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