Chapter 7

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Salah's pov-

Ow, ow, ow, ow,ow. My head was throbbing like never before. I flinched at the harsh light that was peeking through River's curtain, not helping my headache in the slightest.

Yesterday's events were a little hazy but for the most part they were intact. I could feel River's body underneath mine and his arms wrapped around me.

Memories of me stuffing my face popped into my mind and it made me feel sick. I slipped out of his hold and crept into the bathroom. I walked in and locked the door behind me.

I lifted up River's shirt and examined my body. I look bigger, bloated. I kept pinching and poking at the fat on my stomach before redirecting my attention to my back fat. I couldn't help but feel somewhat disgusted with myself. David would be so embarrassed to be seen with me.

I brought my hands up to my face and pulled the skin back on my face. I wish my jaw line was more prominent. Do my cheeks look puffy? I shouldn't have eaten all that food last night.

I let the shirt drop back down and I looked at my things. I wish I had a thigh gap, instead I had that little diamond between my things.

I wish my body looked like the girls I saw online. Toned stomach, thigh gap, thick thighs but not too thick. Thin arms, big boobs, big ass, curves in all the right places.

I was nothing compared to them. I don't know how they all do it. I work out, I barely eat and when I do it's usually healthy and I still don't look like them. Why don't I look like them?

There was a knock at the door, " Angel? Are you okay?" River asked softly from the other side of the door. I took a moment to compose myself before walking over and unlocking the door.

He opened the door as I took out the toothbrush I left here and started brushing my teeth.

He came up behind me and pressed his body against mine, his arms snaked around my waist. He placed a gentle kiss on my neck and then another one on my cheek.

" Morning, beautiful." he whispered in my ear. It wasn't like how he usually does it though, it feels more.... intimate?

I felt my cheeks heat up slightly, " Morning" I spit and rinsed my tooth brush. I let my head rest back against his chest.

" You look gorgeous, I love when you wear my clothes." he smiled at me and I got butterflies in my stomach.

"What time is it?" I asked, changing the subject.

" 8" he answered, " Shit, why didn't you set an alarm?!" I panicked, knowing I had already missed one of my exams.

I tried to wiggle out of his arms so I could start getting ready but he wasn't having it. He put his hands on my hips and lifted me onto the counter, he moved closer so he was standing in between my legs.

" You have a concussion, you need to rest. I contacted your professors and rescheduled all of your exams. You are going to spend the rest of the week relaxing and not stressing out about school." his demeanor was much different from his usual playful one, he was much more serious this time. It was weirdly attractive seeing him act all bossy.

" But-" he pinched my lips together, " No buts, your ass is not leaving this apartment for the next week, understood?" I could tell by his stern tone that he was being serious. I slowly nodded my head, his fingers still pinching my lips together.

" Good, now come." he said, grabbing my waist and lifting me off the counter. He took my hands in his and led me into the kitchen.

He once again picked me up and lifted me onto the counter, but this tine in the kitchen.

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