Chapter 2

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 River's pov- 

 I felt like shit when I accidentally made Salah spill her coffee. Her hands were all red and burned. On the bright side we were twenty minutes late to class after I had gotten her coffee. She was annoyed we were late but I promised to buy her lunch and she forgave me.

 We were now sitting in class, which was so fucking boring. I was majoring in business and Salah was majoring in computer science and mathematics. I really don't know how she does it, she loves math. She's definitely the smart one, she's always done well in school, she even skipped a grade. They were going to let her skip another grade but she said no because she wanted to stay with me. 

 I was watching the clock, waiting for this stupid class to be over. If it weren't for Salah I wouldn't show up to most of my classes. I've never been good at school but Salah has always been there to help me. She always helped me with my homework and made sure I understood everything that was going on. My mom always tried to help me but I could never understand it when she explained it. My mom was annoyingly smart and I didn't understand half of the things she talks about. Sometimes I feel like Joey from Friends. 

 Salah loved the show Friends growing up and always made me watch it with her. Most of the time I was paying attention to her instead of the show though. The way her cute little nose would scrunch up when she'd laugh or the the way her face would scrunch up and she'd furrow her eyebrows when she was confused. Or the way she's scream at the TV like the characters could hear her. 

 Finally the clock hit nine and we were released from class. I took Salah's hand and practically dragged her out of the building.

 " Why we goin' so fuckin' fast?" she asked, quoting a tik tiok she had seen.

 " Cause I want to get the hell out of there." I complained as we made it to the quad. It was littered with students but we managed to find a relatively empty place to sit. Salah tried to sit next to me but I picked her up and sat her in between my legs. I liked having her close to me, everything about her relaxed me. 

 She leaned her back into my chest and I rested my head on top of hers. I let out a content sigh as I inhaled her blueberry scent. She always smelt like some type of fruit, whether it was Mango's, Strawberries, or blueberries. She liked to switch up her scent everyday, which I loved.

 " You smell good today." she smiled at my comment, she loved being told she smelt good. Blueberry was one of my favorite scents for her, I also loved when she smelled like watermelon. 

 " Thanks." she replied. I took her hand in mine and laced out fingers together. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, at least she tried to. I noticed her breathing sounded a little raspy. I let go of her hand and reached into my back pocket. I always carried an inhaler with me for Salah. Ever since her first asthma attack when we were kids, I've carried one around just in case. She also carries one but you can never be too careful.

 I brought the inhaler up to her lips, " Open." I said. She took the inhaled between her lips and I pushed down on the button. She took a deep breath as she breathed in the medicine. " Fucking pollen." she mumbled, glaring at the pollen filled trees around us. 

 I stood up and then pulled her up, " Let's go inside, I don't want you to have an asthma attack." she nodded and I took her hand and we started walking towards her next class. 

 " Hey, River! Hands off." I rolled my eyes as David's annoying voice rang through my ears.

 " Hey, douchebag, no." I retorted as he jogged up to Salah and I.

 " Hey, babe." he said, leaning in for a kiss, she pecked his lips and then pulled away.

 " I though you had today off?" she asked him.

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