Eri nods grabbing at Izuku again. Her actions seem frantic and scared. It's clear she's been holding back, but a damn that is destined will always break.

"But- but- you said yesterday!" She shouts. "You said you'll never leave me! You said we can be together!" Eri pleads. "Please, take me or stay here! I don't want you to leave!" She cries. "Please brother please!"

Izuku shakes his head. Not yet. He can't let his emotions free yet. Even when his heart is breaking, and his eyes are stinging. He can't cut what little time he has left short.

Eri screws her eyes closed letting out a loud sob. "I DONT WANT TO BE ALONE!" The girl screams full on sobbing.

Izuku's breath hitches, oh no. His carefully built walls crumble down and lay in a pile of rubble. It seems a damn that's destined really will always break.

Izuku's emotions flow free, crashing in waves all around him. He can feel it. There's a shift. Something is triggered and he hears it. It's begun.

"It's okay," Izuku ushers letting his own tears fall. "Hush now it's all alright," a sob escapes him. Izuku takes a painful breath in and sings.

"Hush now my baby, be still love,  don't cry. Sleep as you're rocked by me. Sleep and remember my last lullaby, and I'll be with you when you dream." Izuku sniffs watching as Eri slips her eyes closed. "World, oh world be gentle for me. Such precious cargo you hold. Do you know somewhere she will be free? Destiny deliver her there."

Eri fought hard to stay awake but a soothing song will always work on her. Especially one that holds Izuku's plea.

"When you wake The world will be safe. I hope you won't hate me. I love you." He says leaning down kisses her forehead. "I'm sorry my darling, but I'll do what I must to protect you." Izuku whispers.

Eri whimpers but relaxes back into sleep. Izukus glad she didn't say anything. He hasn't explained to her what's going on. He didn't have time. His emotions are sky high. But one things for sure, he will protect Eri. He will always protect Eri.

Izuku my doll what's wrong why are you not at home?

"She doesn't deserve abandonment Izuku." Aizawa says greeting the boy at the door. Izuku sighs rolling his eyes at the man. "Tomura will do what I can't." He replies coldly.

"Ah. But what about what you can? Can he love her like you do?" Izuku stiffens. "I'll do what I can by protecting her. If I don't return that's on me not her. And don't assume things about my family. Tomura is a perfect big brother. And that's to both of us." Izuku snaps.

Aizawa walks along side the boy, keeping pace. "She'll blame herself fully Izuku. She's been through this before. That brother of yours can't love her like you do." He says simply.

"Shota-" Izuku says. A warning. "Midoriya." Aizawa says back. A challenge. "Don't you ever call me that!" Izuku snaps harshly. "I thought I told you, back off my family!"

Aizawa raises an eyebrow. Almost laughing. "Oh? Why not it's your name is it not? Am I just supposed to not address you? Call you a thing a tool. Like you're being used?"

Izuku scoffs. "Might as well. You did just used me for your own advantage." Aizawa huffs.

"Aww don't like the truth hero?" Izuku teases. "Come on tell me. What did bringing me in get you? some extra cash? A promotion? You wanting to claim a victory?" He questions.

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