Chapter 18

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When I woke up the next day Leia was gone.

It was Friday morning, and it was a three day weekend. What possessed the Principal to give us this long weekend I didn't know. Though apart of me thinks that it was so they could acquire another victim for whatever it was that they were doing.

Panicked I threw the covers off me, making a mad dash out of my room. I didn't even bother to change into my day clothes. I had to move fast or else Leia would be missing for good.

I made a beeline to where we normally met up. Sloan, Mila and Eliza were already at the gardens - chatting away amicably. "Guys!" I shouted, earning their attention as I stopped in front of them, breathing heavily. "Leia's missing. She wasn't in the room when I woke up this morning. I have no clue how long she's been gone, or how she was even taken out of the room without me waking up."

That made them much more alert. "Leia's missing?!" Mila bit her lip, glancing over at Sloan who had a hard look on her face.

"This is too close together with Elena going missing." Sloan murmured, deep in thought. "Whatever's happening is escalating. It's never been this close together before."

My breathing began to get erratic. Eliza noticed, placing her book on the ground and standing up. She walked over to me, placing her hands on my shoulders. "Jenna, breathe. We'll find her. It's still early, so we can go check and see if she's with any of the teachers. Panicking isn't going to help Leia." She told me calmly, and I tried to calm down. She was right. Leia needed my help. I could be over-reacting, but there was a gut feeling that I wasn't.

Once I was calmed down Eliza and I waved towards Mila and Sloan, who both looked equally worried about the situation. I was definitely worried. This was too familiar to the other cases, and I was hoping that they didn't take Leia.

Walking towards the principal's office I paused when I heard voices. Grabbing a hold of Eliza's arm, I made sure we were hidden between the hallway of the girls bathroom, but could see who was coming out clearly. I bit my lip when I saw it was Professor Lemons and Professor Franks, talking lowly to one another - but loud enough to where I could hear what they were saying.

"Don't you think it was a little hasty taking that girl?" Professor Lemons rasped, obviously not pleased with whatever had transpired. "Her roommate is very meticulous. She'll know something is up." That pricked my ears and I glanced over at Eliza, who also looked a little apprehensive about the conversation.

"I know..." Professor Franks murmured, rubbing her chin with her fore-finger like she was thinking about something. "However Goddess Blanche made a big deal that she was the one who would make our problems go away. She was the one who will end our suffering. I want to believe that. She hasn't led us astray yet." My heart pounded in my chest and I tried not to be heard.

"She has led us to this life," Professor Lemons stated gravely, looking sick to her stomach. "We sacrificed those kids... for what? Our own freedom? Aren't we already free? What do we need to be free from?" She wondered out loud, making me blanch. Eliza gasped, placing her hands against her mouth when I placed a finger to my lips.

Both the Professors paused. "You hear that?" Professor Franks asked, making Professor Lemons shake her head. The teachers stood where they were for a few minutes, as if they were waiting on us to make another move or sound. "Lets go tell Goddess that the sacrifice is ready before she starts to wonder where we are." With that the two disappeared down the hall, leaving us petrified at what we just heard.

"Sacrifices?!" Eliza gasped when she thought we were fine. "Why... why would they need those?!" She choked back a sob, thinking about the other girls who were missing. Knowing that they were never coming back.

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