Chapter 11

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After Jennifer went missing I decided to keep an extra watch on the school. There was something fishy going on, and I needed to figure it out before anymore girls go missing. The only problem was I had no idea how to go about that.

Yes, there was always that chance they really did go home to their families. That chance that they might have been able to leave this prison. I, for one, was not convinced that was the case. If they had any trouble with home, than why did Tenley and Jennifer both keep things from their friends? Who they were closest too? Surely Tenley would have told Leia about anything going on, and Jennifer would have told Annette and Sally what was going on with how close they were. Something wasn't right with this scenario.

The teachers were acting strange too. Like they knew something we didn't, which was probably true for the most part. They knew the ins and outs better than we did with the school, but something bothered me with the way they were acting about Tenley and Jennifer just being missing. They weren't giving us any straight answers.

Most weird about the situation was Professor Franks. Whenever she gets asked a question she immediately gets bashful before changing the subject. Whether that be giving us a lecture, or making us do homework that we had for the day. She was really the one to tip me off that something was going on here. Though what that was I still had no idea.

"Earth to Jenna?" I snapped out of my reverie, turning to see Leia giving me a frown. "Are you okay? You've been zoned out for a while..." She trailed off, a worried look on her face. We were sitting at her side of the room, sitting on her bed. The canopy draped over us as we were studying for a geography test that we were going to have Monday. It was a Friday night, which meant the weekend.

Nothing got students excited than the start of the weekend.

"I'm alright," I assured my roommate, flipping through the geography text book to the next page, "just thinking..." I trailed off with a sigh before writing down some key points that I would have to know.

Leia raised an eyebrow at that. "Thinking about what, exactly? We're supposed to be studying," she teased me, poking me in the face with the end of her mechanical pencil.

I chuckled, pushing her arm away. "Just what's happening with the school. It's weird..." I trailed off with a sigh. It was hard to concentrate on anything, so I placed my pencil down and faced Leia - who was now wearing a frown on her face.

"I'm worried too..." Leia admitted with a sigh of her own. "Though this happened around the same time last year..." She used her pointer finger to tap on her chin, like she was thinking.

"Really?" My eyes widened at that admission. That was something new. Also quite worrisome that it has happened before.

Leia nodded her head, "girls went missing. I think four girls went missing before it finally stopped. That was why I was roommateless for a little while..." she trailed off with a frown. "They told me Nichole had some family issues and wouldn't be coming back to school." Now that was interesting. Seemed like all the girls who went missing had some sort of "family drama" at home and got to go home early, though that couldn't be the case for everyone. "Which was weird because at the time Nichole told me she didn't have a good relationship with her family...."

I was sensing a pattern here. I pursed my lips as the gears in my mind churned. How did this all connect? Was there a connection? The girls seem to disappear at random. There wasn't a clear pattern as to who was going missing. "You didn't have a roommate last year, right?" I questioned, my detective coming on.

"Last year nor the one after that," Leia answered immediately with a frown. "You don't think this has anything to do with Nichole vanishing, do you?" Her bottom lip trembled and she started to breath in breaths of air. Panic attack. Had them many times before so I knew the signs.

"Hey, hey it's going to be okay..." I soothed, reaching out to wrap Leia in my arms. Leia buried her face into the crook of my neck, trying to calm down her erratic heart beat. "We don't know what's going on here. They could simply have emergencies to go to..." I trailed off, earning a nod from Leia. Though a part of me knew that wasn't the case.

Especially if it happened every year around this time.

And if the pattern continues, two more girls will go missing. I was almost positive of that. All I could do was hope that not another one of my close friends gets taken. Or somehow I was not on their radar. Though I would rather it be me that gets taken than anyone else in the school.

AN: I know that this chapter is shorter than the others but this opens some important plot points to the story and gets us to the good stuff >:D This is the end of arc 1, and arc 2 will start as soon as I start writing it lmao

Endbury Academy✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora