Chapter 3

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There was a lot of gossip about the new girl, which was ironic considering I was the new girl.

Gossip didn't bother me as much as it probably should. All it was the girls wanted to know why I was here, but they were too scared to ask or simply didn't want to. Or maybe it had something to do with me hanging out with Tenley and she seemed to have a reputation around the school. Which I didn't mind - Tenley seemed like a cool person and someone I would have befriended at my public school given the chance.

Thankfully I had most of my classes with Tenley so I was able to relax considerably instead of being awkward the entire time. Leia was also there, which also helped out a lot with my anxiety. Having people I knew in the classroom was a load off my shoulders and helped me relax.

We were now sitting in History class. I was sitting between Tenley and Leia, getting to know the two girls. Leia mainly because we were roommates and I didn't hate her as much as I thought I was going to, and Tenley seemed cool. I wasn't expecting to make friends on the first day, and they made coming here a little more tolerable. I still loathed my mother for sending me here, but it seemed fate had something else in store for me after all.

A few more moments ticked by when a handsome male walked into the room. He had brown hair that was styled neatly with gel, a stubble on his face and a chiseled jawline. You can tell he was well toned from the way he moved. He was fucking hot and I had to catch myself before I starred at him. Suddenly I didn't mind I was sent here if I get to look at that every day. Tenley was smirking at me, giving me a knowing look and I fought a blush. Deep breaths Jenna, everything will be a-okay.

"Good morning students," he started with an Australian accent. I almost died again hearing that. "I see we have the new girl in our class today!" He gave me a dazzling grin that made my heart stop. Goddammit, I didn't need to be crushing on a teacher. "I'm Professor Clemons, though most of the class calls me Clemons so you can just follow their lead." He introduced himself to me, a twinkle in his eye. It should be illegal for someone to look this good.

"I know right," Tenley leaned towards me, whispering as he started to pass around the History text books. "He just started working here recently too. He wasn't here last year."

"So I got here just in time, is what you're telling me?" I giggled, swooning on the inside. I could see Leia looking at us, rolling her eyes at our display. She can hardly blame me! I didn't know there was such a specimen here!

Tenley snickered at that, turning to attention when the books got back to us. I thanked the student in front of me as I took the text book, trying hard not to stare at Professor Clemons. It was really hard to concentrate on the class, but I managed somehow. We were learning about the Vietnam War, which I had already briefly learned at my public school but was willing to learn again if it meant I got to stare at Professor Clemons. Besides this topic was kind of interesting to me and it wasn't like we got into much detail. I think I got suspended right at the beginning of the lesson when we were learning about the Vietnam War.

The class went by slowly after that. Professor Clemons was one of those teachers that made sure to engage his students into whatever was happening, and I could appreciate that. It made it that much easier to pay attention to the class because he made it fun. For being a male teacher in an all-girl boarding school he didn't make things awkward at all, which was not an easy task. He must have done this before, or enjoyed his work so much that he could make any atmosphere light.

I didn't even notice when the forty-five minutes were up. The bell rang, indicating that class was over and I was almost sad for it. That was a foreign thing for me to think, but then again with a teacher like Professor Clemons I guess anything was possible. "Alright girls, pass up your text books and I will see you tomorrow! Some I might see again later!" Professor Clemons called out with a warm smile on his face. I closed my book lightly, gathering my things up to leave.

"After this is lunch," Tenley told me with a happy sigh as we made our way to the front to hand in our textbooks, Leia in tow behind us. "I'm going to introduce you to a few more girls that we hang out with, you'll have yourself a group of friends in no time at all!" She cheered, beaming at me.

"You made out good rooming with me!" Leia giggled as she sat her book on top of Tenley's, and I in return sat mine on top of Leia's, "you're going to be popular on your first day of school!" She teased me, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh so you're telling me you're popular now?" I asked her with a small laugh, though I should have guessed she was. If not popular she had a decent amount of friends.

"Miss Daughtery, can I see you before you leave?" The three of us turned to look at Professor Clemons, who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"We'll wait for you outside," Leia told me, pulling Tenley away who was wriggling her eyebrows at me in a goofy manner. I just rolled my eyes at the display, amusement filtering on my face at my newfound friends before turning to look at the Professor, who was giving me a curious gaze.

"You needed something, Professor Clemons?" I asked, trying not to get caught starring at him.

"I know how jarring it can be, being a new student." He started, writing something down on a piece of paper before handing it to me, "I was new the beginning of this year. It can be quite taxing. You can come to me if you need anything." I cleared my throat at that, glancing down to see a number scribbled onto the scrap piece of paper. Holy shit, he gave me his number. I knew nothing could happen because he was like, forever older than I was, but hot damn. "Give me a call if you need any help." He nodded his head with a small smile playing on his lips.

I cleared my throat, nodding my head before stuffing the scrap piece of paper into my blazer pocket. Fumbling with my bag I scurried out of the room before I could embarrass myself, finding Tenley and Leia outside with two other girls waiting with them. All four heads turned towards me as I approached, looking deeply interested in whatever happened in that room.

"Nothing happened," I rolled my eyes at the eager faces, recognizing Mila Wright among the group. Huh, didn't know she hung out with Tenley and Leia. That was good to know. "He just gave me his number in case I needed help. C'mon guys, he's so much older than us..." I cringed at the thought of being in a relationship with him. He was hot and fun to ogle eyes at, but I was smarter then that. "Whose she?" I asked, nodding my head towards the new girl that joined the group while I was in the classroom.

"Sloan Wright, Mila's sister at your service! You're Jenna Daughtery, these three have been telling me about you!" Sloan grinned, showing all of her teeth. She was almost the spitting image of Mila and I had to do a double take. "We're twins," she nodded her head, flinging her arm around Mila's shoulder casually. "We shared a womb, but I am ten minutes older!" She teased, poking Mila's cheek with her pointer finger.

Mila groaned, lolling her head back at the scene. "Sloan, why do you always tell people that!" She whined, burying her face into the palm of her hands.

"Because it's funny," Sloan smirked, "and also true. I'm older." She grinned, giving me a wink. I grinned back at her, already enjoying her company. "Tenley tells me you broke a girls nose to get here. Wicked!" Sloan raised her free hand for a high-five, which I dutifully obliged.

"Why is it so awesome for Jenna to break someone's nose?" Leia cringed, not understanding the hype. Mila was also confused, pushing her sister away from her.

"It shows she has character," Sloan piped up with a shrug, placing her hands behind her head in a lazy manner. "We need more people willing to break noses here... among other things..." Sloan snickered, making Mila and Leia groan.

"I like you," I bumped Sloan's shoulder, earning a beaming smile in return.

"Lets just go get food..." Mila grumbled, though she had a hint of amusement hidden in her eyes.

"Food!" Tenley pumped the air with her fist, leading the group forward. Smiling warmly I followed after my new group of friends, suddenly feeling at home. I never felt this way among my public school friends, these girls had a way of bringing you together. Sort of like a family, in a sense. That was what I needed the most - a friendship family. People who accept me for who I am, and don't expect me to be someone that I am not. 

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