Chapter 7

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Well this was a familiar scene.

The next day I sit in the principals office. Beside me was Jennifer Massey, the girl I punched yesterday for talking bad about Tenley. She had a bandage over her nose and it didn't look crooked so I didn't break it. So the only other reason why I was in here was because she had complained to the principal about me. Which was par for the course, she seemed like one of those spoiled rich girls who picked on others but didn't want to be picked on herself.

Principal Blakely sat behind the desk. This was the first time I had met her. I'd met the Vice Principal as she was the one to show me to my room, but not the main principal of the school. She was a stoic looking old woman, wrinkles on her face but otherwise she looked youthful. She reminded me of Professor Mcgonagall from Harry Potter but part of me knew she wasn't going to be nearly as cool as the fictional character.

"Miss Daughtery," Principal Blakely started, glancing over at me. Her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose all professional like and I wondered if she could actually see with them like that. "Miss Massey over here tells me you punched her in the nose. Is that true?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me like don't play me girl, I know you did this.

I winced at that look, picking at the hem of my hoodie. It was early in the morning, seven thirty as a matter of fact. We had been in the middle of class when I got called in - all the girls giving me alarmed looks. Leia had just given me a shameful look. I had already told her what had happened when we got to our dorm and she hadn't been happy I'd punched someone. What was I supposed to do, let Massey talk bad about Tenley? We still didn't even know where she was, for goodness sakes!

Shrugging lazily, I leaned back into the share that I was sitting in. I was trying to act more cool than what I actually was, while on the inside I was freaking out. Hopefully this didn't go back to my mother, she already thinks I'm enough trouble as it is. This incident will definitely put her over the edge. "I did, but she was talking bad about Tenley!" I defended myself, giving the girl a glare who just stuck her nose up at me. I'd punch her again if she wasn't careful. Make sure to break that nose this time.

Principal Blakely raised an eyebrow at that, looking over at Massey who was now visibly sweating. "Is this true, Miss Massey?"

Jennifer cleared her throat anxiously. Now she was the one who was nervous. I was trying not to outwardly smirk at the small victory as I waited for her to reply to the principal. "I-well, I mean... we were..." she trailed off, not knowing what else to say.


"I see..." Principal Blakely nodded her head in understanding, giving me another look. I gave her a small smile, trying to look remorseful. I was hoping to come off as an innocent teen who was just worried about her friend. Which that was not a lie, I was worried for Tenley. "And you were just defending your friend?" Principal Blakely asked me and I nodded my head in response. The principal hummed as she thought it over, tapping the eraser of her pencil on her desk. "I suppose since Miss Massey's nose isn't broken we can leave you off with a warning, since it was provoked. Though I'll have to give you a detention." She told me sternly, making me breathe a sigh of relief.

"I understand," I nodded my head. Detention was nothing, I've served plenty of those in my public school. Surely they were no different here as they were there.

"You'll be serving it with Professor Clemons," Principal Blakely stated, making my heart flutter. Well shit, I have to stare at him the entire time? This might be more torture than what I intentionally thought. "I'll let him know that you'll be there right after school ends." I tried to hold in my groan. I knew that would not help me at all in this particular situation.

I bowed my head respectfully. "Thank you, Principal Blakely," that sounded strange coming from my lips, but I definitely did not want to piss her off. I didn't need to get expelled from here too - I already have my mother breathing down my neck from being thrown out of Endbury Public High School. To get thrown out of boarding school as well would not look good to her, and might punish me even more in her eyes.

Blakely nodded her head, tidying up her desk and putting her papers together. "You two are free to go back to class. I expect you in detention with Professor Clemons, Miss Daughtery." With a nod both Massey and I stood up from our seats and exited the office, not once uttering a word to each other.

We walked in silence for a moment before Massey spoke up, "now I wish I was the one who got that detention, Professor Clemons is fiiiiiiine...." She giggled, acting like I didn't just punch her in the face. She turned to face me, a twinkle in her eyes. "I must say, Daughtery, you showed some guts."

"Try talking bad about Tenley again and I'll show you more than just guts..." I snarled, ready to bite. This witch thought she could just talk to me like we were old friends when she knows what she did.

Massey smirked at me. "I like you. Maybe once all this tension blows over we can be friends." I blinked in surprise at that. Usually my stubbornness got people to hate me, not the other way around. "I can respect your fire." She added as if reading my mind with a small shrug, walking down the hallway to where her class was. Well that was weird and not at all what I expected to happening.

Standing dumbfounded in the middle of the hallway I shook my head before I headed towards the class I was supposed to be in. Oddly enough I was in English with Professor Clemons, and all I could hope was he wasn't contacted yet for my untimely detention.

I stood outside the door of the classroom, letting myself calm down a little bit before I poked my head into the classroom. Professor Clemons was in the middle of teaching something about grammar and I had interrupted him mid sentence when opening the door. "Ah, Miss Daughtery, nice of you to join us." I grimaced at that, giving him a tight smile. "Please, go take your seat." Without questioning I zipped past him, closing the door softly behind me. Sitting down in my seat, I tried to ignore the looks that Mila and Leia were giving me. I'd tell them what happened after class. I didn't want to get into trouble as soon as I walked in for talking while he was teaching.

The class went on without a hitch. I tried to be extra good, not wanting to draw even more attention to myself. When the bell rang everyone put their things into their bag, standing up. We were about to leave the classroom when Professor Clemons called my name. "Oh, and Miss Daughtery?" I turned my head over my shoulder to give him a look, to which he just smirked at. "I'll see you later for your detention." 

AN: I did a quick switcheroo. Clemons was meant to be my history teacher but I got an idea that I wanted to do, so I switched him to English. Just wanted to clarify that before anyone else mentioned they changed XD

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