{Chapter 2}

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Maddox POV:

I woke up at four AM like always to go on my morning run, arriving back home at five. Then going to his home gym to lift weights for another thirty minutes before heading back to his room to shower, get dressed in his school clothes, and sit down at the desk in his room to do his homework after grabbing a large cup of coffee from the kitchen downstairs.

After an hour of doing homework I went downstairs with bookbag in hand and sat down at the dining room table to eat breakfast with my dad, Elijah. "Hey kiddo. How was your morning workout? Did you get your homework done?" he asks as he sat down and passed me a plate of food, healthy of course. "Good. My endurance is still holding steady. I didn't want to wake you so I just stayed in the safe range for bench pressing, and I finished all of my homework with it all put correctly back into my bookbag" I inform my father of my morning so far. "That's great son! I know you have a lot going but I do want to remind you that you absolutely must be at dinner on time tonight since Sarah and her sons are moving in today" my dad reminds me of today's nonscheduled add in. as I go to open my mouth he holds up his hand "I know you have practices, your internship, and jiu jitsu today and I am not telling you to skip. I just want you to at least be home to have dinner with everyone then you can go back out to do what you need to." "Dad I was just going to say okay and ask what time I need to be here" I tell my father with a smile on my face. "Oh. Seven good?" he asks me with a smile to match mine. I just nod my head as I finish the last of the food on my plate and tell him bye so I can make my way to school, which is a ten-minute walk.

Arriving at school just in time for the doors to open to let the students inside, I head to my locker to get the books out of my bookbag and switch what I need out for the first two classes, which are English and Science. I make my way through the crowded hallway saying hi to those that I know along the way, luckily only getting stopped twice to talk to groups of my teammates before entering English class and grabbing my seat in the back-right corner by the windows to wait for the class to start.

At 3:30 the teachers finally stopped wanting to kill us with boredom. Most of the student body went home or to hang out with friends, I on the other hand had to be at school until 5 o'clock to do soccer and lacrosse practices before grabbing an extremely cold shower. After getting dressed I rush to K.I. (King Industries) to start my internship that I have had for two months now. My job is just to run paperwork everywhere, help set up for media events, and go into meeting with my boss, Jeremy, who is head of the medical department. The medical department is split into two sections. One is responsible for making robots to help the doctors in the medical field with difficult procedures. The other is responsible for research on cures for life threatening illnesses. Sometimes I get to go into meetings with Jeremy and even give my opinions from time to time.

I just got done filing away paperwork and another meeting to Jeremy's schedule for tomorrow. When I realized the time, I packed my things up and started to make my way home. I got halfway home when I remembered that I left my homework on the desk because I did my math work during my break. I rush back to the tower and make my way up to my floor and too my desk to find the textbook and paper right where I left them. I shoved the school work into my bookbag before starting to make my way home again. The next time I looked at my phone it said I had five minutes to get to the house that was still ten blocks away.

I managed to only be three minutes late when I barged in the front door of the house still running until I got to the table. I lazily fell into my seat still trying to catch my break from running as fast as possible, way fast than I go on my morning runs. As I start to finally breathe properly I hear my dad's voice say, "Right on time Mads" as he was trying not to laugh at my appearance which was a button up shirt with drops of sweat all over it, a crumpled up loose tie around my neck, and dirty pants from me falling once or twice. "Haha very funny dad. I forgot my homework at my desk when I left my internship so I had to go back to get it and of course got stopped by the twins to help them" I tell him while taking my bookbag off so I can sit entirely in the chair instead of just the edge. After I got settled into my seat I finally look around the table and see the five hottest guys I have ever laid eyes with my mind screaming at me "HOLY SHIT!"

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