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3 days later📌
Hospital room📍

Sitting at the hospital with Megumi, I thought about how the situation could had got worse.

What if Itadori died? What if Sukuna took completely over him and set on a rampage?
I already know I'm the first to die since Sukuna somewhat doesn't like me.

Itadori's heartbeat stayed nonexistent as the powerful serotonin pumped through his body.
I darted my eyes toward the monitor as Itadori's heartbeat still stayed off.
I sat and stared at Megumi as he slumped in his chair, passed out.

'He is so cute. Itadori wake up so he feels better.'

After carrying Itadori back, Megumi has been giving sad vibes, and not as neutral as usual. I always find him staring at the ground, with concern written on his face, and a quivering lip. I hope he gets better.

I got up as a pain shot through my stomach, crouching, it slowly gave away. Walking up to Megumi, I kissed his forehead, and did the same to Itadori before leaving.

Getting to my dorm, I placed my shoes on the ground and headed towards the bathroom. Without changing my clothes, I sat in the shower as my thoughts drowned into my head, as tears rolled from my cheek.

Not only was Itadori dead, but Megumi is sad. Nobara hasn't came out of her room, and Gojo still hasn't came back from his trip. What if we all had died? Why would he send us on a mission with the special grade? And why does he always gets us in trouble?

As my thoughts filled with the possible outcomes of what could've happened, the tears continued to rolled, as the water stinged my cheeks.

Sobbing for a little longer, I got myself together, and decided to take a regular shower.

Coming out, I went to my drawer, finding some clothes to sleep in.

After putting on my onesie, I grabbed my bonnet and laid down

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

After putting on my onesie, I grabbed my bonnet and laid down.

Twisting and turning, the screams of curses overflowed my brain as the events of tonight replayed through my mind. Shooting up in sweat, I coughed as I recalled the curse choking me. Getting up, I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. Drying off, I looked on my phone for the time.


Getting back in bed, I tried to go back to sleep. Realizing I couldn't, I stood up to take a midnight walk. Grabbing my purse and taking out some joggers and a sweatshirt, I threw it over my onesie and headed out the door.

Walking quietly through the hallways, I managed to get past the patrol and scurried towards the streets of Tokyo. Walking down the lightened street, the moon shined down on the city as the ground began glowing as the streets lighted up like fireworks.

Stopping by a shop, I noticed it was still open and decided to chow before I went back in. Hearing the bell chime, I looked around, as the lights glimmered and the rows of seats lined the counter. Taking a seat, I waited for someone to take my order as another person walked in. Not paying much attention, I yelled to the back for someone to come.

"Oh I'm sorry, we were closing, but I can get you two something quick." A lady stepped from the back presenting herself and the offer. I agreed and sat quietly waiting for the order. As the person sat besides me, I couldn't help but feel the intense tension of curses lunging towards me from the direction of the stranger. I stayed quiet until I heard a voice call for me.

"Hey ma'am. Your curses are raging, please calm down, as mine are attracted to yours." The voice whispered by my ear as I whipped my head around to see who was it. Seeing nobody, I rubbed my ear, and decided the lady was taking to long, and left.

Arriving back to the dorms, I chose to sleep somewhere else. Taking my spend the night bag, I walked towards the door. I knocked a couple times, hoping they would answer. A few moments later, the door unlocked, revealing a tired looking Megumi.

" I'm sorry Megumi, you okay? I'll just come another ti-," before I could finished, Megumi grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into his room. "It's fine. I wasn't sleeping anyway." He explained as I walked towards his room.

Walking towards his bathroom, I quickly took my sweater and sweats off, leaving my onesie. I opened the door and watched as Megumi straightened his pillow, and laid his head down.

Walking to the end, I crawled up the bed and laid behind Megumi, my back face him, and got under his covers. Soon I felt fingers slide down my back, and arms wrapped around my waist. Scooting back, he cupped my body, as I reached back and rubbed his ear.
Humming quietly, he applied small kisses on my neck.

"Why are you here?" He asked breathing down my neck. The hairs on my neck shot up as his voice grunted and his breath tickled my face, making me feel hot.

'Throat kinda empty, fill me up.'

Taking a minute to recollect myself, I answered, "Couldn't sleep."

Humming in response, he laid his head in the crook of my neck, and pecked even more kisses on my neck. Feeling myself become sleepy, I felt Megumi's head get heavier and his breathing slowed down.

"Goodnight Megumi."
"Goodnight princess."



Didn't write much, but just wanted to mention y/n style is so raw😍😍

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