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June 11th📌
Tokyo Jujutsu High Hospital room📍


Hearing a ring, I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I looked around and saw a mask on my face, with my hands and legs strapped to the bed. I began to worry, trying my best to shake from the restraints, when Megumi walked into the room.

"Y/n, don't move to much, or they will put more restraints on you." He informed me. Restraints? I looked around one more time and noticed I was in a hospital room. Megumi took a seat by me with a tray of food.

"You've been asleep for about a week. The day Sukuna was out, we tried to fight back, but was shoved into a wall by a scream. We figured it was you, until you dropped. But when we left the area, you began to go crazy, shaking, scratching yourself, to punching Gojo straight in the face." We both giggled a little before he continued," The school felt it would be the best caution to strapped you down so you wouldnt hurt yourself." He finished and poured what I assumed tea into a cup, and stirred up some porridge.

He took the mask off, and asked to feed me. I proudly said yes because... why wouldn't I want a fine ass man to feed me?

After Gojo came and we clowned him, I finally got discharged. Even though I was fine, the school told me to stay at home for a few days, and Megumi still had a hold on me, asking to take care of me, so I let him.

After school he would come and make some food for the both of us, and still feed me. Was I complaining? No. Was it kind of annoying?

Yes, but whatever.

He helped me pick an outfit, but would never help me get dress. I would always ask to help me get dressed, but he would just blush and decline. Welp.

I soon adjusted to everything and started my official day at school.

I woke up to my alarm, and saw a note sitting on top of my phone.

'I made you breakfast. And today we are going out to eat. I'll see you at practice.' - M

I looked over at the tray he always left, and saw pancakes and sausage.

'I should marry this man. '

I got up and started the shower. I debated on an outfit, since I did my hair a couple days ago. I decided to pop out since it's my "official first day." So why not shit on hoes?

" So why not shit on hoes?

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( ion know why I said shit on hoes when this outfit is mid😭 Just didn't want her to wear the same shit everyday🤷🏽‍♀️

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( ion know why I said shit on hoes when this outfit is mid😭 Just didn't want her to wear the same shit everyday🤷🏽‍♀️.👩🏽‍💻)

I got dressed and checked in the mirror.

'Bad mami'

I grabbed my new purse and left. I walked through the hallway and found the court, to see Megumi and Nobara sparring.

"Nobara don't beat my nigga ass. He made me breakfast." I yelled to Nobara and giggled seeing Megumi blush. I walked up to Itadori and gave him a hug.

These last couple of days have been bad for him since he felt it was his fault for my accident, even though I convinced him otherwise, he won't listen.

"Itadori, you know you smell good." I inquired as I took in his smell even more, shoving my head into his chest. He hummed a thank you and squeezed me harder. We both broke the hug and decided to bully Gojo since he was still butthurt about my punch.

" Aye little whore, you really got yo ass beat by a student, lame ass." We laughed at him as he stood there dumbfounded. Me and Itadori stopped to let him rest, and watched Megumi and Nobara continue.

Soon they stopped and Gojo continued to teach me the techniques to show my cursed energy.

"Ok now I want everyone to stand in a corner. Y/n and I will stand in the middle while y/n screams as loud as she can. Y/n, try to control the volume, and the amount of cursed energy that comes out as your screams gradually get louder." Gojo explained, and everyone got in position.

I screamed as loud as I could, feeling that thump in my chest again, but instead of letting it take over, I made the heartbeat slow down and my screams got louder, and the feeling of warmth wrapped around my body.

"Y/n open your eyes." Gojo ordered as I obliged. I opened and saw millions of cursed spirits surround me. I backed up, as the cursed spirits moved forward, and bowed before me. I sucked a breath in and looked towards Gojo for help, only for him to shrugged it off, telling me to tell them something.

"Um...punch a hole in the ground." I ordered as confidently as I could, and watched the biggest curse out of all of them step forward. It bowed again then threw back its arm, and slammed a huge hole in the ground. The ground rumbled as the pieces caved in and the hole was formed.

'Why would I ask for something so dumb'

I hopped back and watched as the cursed walked even further towards me, but soon stopped. I watched as they looked over at Itadori, and coward away, some fading away. I looked at Itadori as he shrugged with a confused face. Soon a voice was heard, "You dare to bring lowly curses in my territory?" A voice bellowed from Itadori, and it clicked. Sukuna was a curse.

"What type of cursed is Sukuna?" I asked the few remaining curses. In a inaudible sounds, they coward in fear, but quietly whispered, "King." I looked at Gojo and he nodded.

'So Sukuna is the King of curses, no wonder he beat my ass. '

" Disappear." I ordered as they bowed again, and vanished in thin air.
"Well that was eventful. Are y'all ready for lunch?" Gojo clapped and walked towards the school dorms, after a moment, we all followed.


Not too much to say.

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