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One day, I and my parents are taking a walk outside. Suddenly an explosion appear out of nowhere, killing many people including my parents. I walk around seeing many people ask for help, I just stood there...doing nothing. Soon I fainted and the last thing I saw before closing my eyes completely was a man.

"Thank God, you're still alive!" said a man while crying.

After that I fainted completely. The next thing I know is that I'm in a hospital, lying down on a bed. Not long after, a man came to me and kneel down crying.

After he stop crying he greet me "Hello, my name is Kiritsugu Emiya and you are?"

"S-Shirou Muramasa..." replied me while I look at him blankly.

Kiritsugu then hold my hand and ask me "Do you want to be my child?"

I will be honest that when he said that, I'm so happy. I nodded and he hugs me while other kids in the hospital began staring at me. I feel sorry for other kids but there's nothing I can do...


I am in a house with Kiritsugu. One day, he tell me about his dream to safe everyone. I am amazed by that but he said that he can't do it anymore. I tell him that I will continue his dream to save everyone. He is so happy when I said that. I train with the help of Kiritsugu. After some year pass, he finally died. I am left all alone but it's okay.

Unlimited Life (DISCONTINUED) (High School DxD X Fate)Where stories live. Discover now