Inertia/Cobalt Blue-II

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(Back at S.T.A.R labs)

Nora was at the med bay as Caitlin went over her vitals.

"Everything seems to be normal." Caitlin said as she checked her over again. "I'll check again just to be sure."

"I am fine." Nora said as she pushed herself off the gurney. "Great even!"

"You sound just like Barry there." Caitlin mutters in annoyance looking at the Scarlet Speedster with a frown.

"Well, I am his daughter, I've to get it from somewhere." Nora answered with a smile. "But I feel good, whatever happened back there was probably nothing serious."

"I don't think so." Cisco spoke up from his place. "Because if Barry wouldn't have been there to catch you after you tripped, you could've broken almost every bone in your body."

"That does not sound so great when you point that out." Nora muttered to herself.

"She could've gotten splat while running?" Ralph asks.

"Oh It would've been much worse than splat my friend." Cisco answers him.

"Yeah, our durability is better but still that sort of fall could've been really dangerous." Barry added his own point.

"Like the very first time you ran?" Cisco reminded him of the first time they tested his abilities at the hangar.

"So, I don't want you running around with your super-speed." Barry said as he looked at Caitlin who put her tablet down and looked at the youngest speedster, who was ready to argue.

"Well not until I know what is wrong with you, meanwhile you can tell us what he meant by your last encounter with him?" Caitlin adds.

"Or that you tried to kill him?" Vibe asks next.

"Or why Eddie Thawne, who is supposed to be dead, is alive?" Ralph added his own question.

"That's not Eddie Thawne." Nora said in a matter-of-fact tone. "That's Thaddeus Thawne, another clone, and my brother's reverse."

"Wait, your brother has a reverse?" Ralph asks.

"So there is another clone?" Barry asks this time. "Just exactly how many clones are there?"

"Oh you would be surprised." Nora answers looking at him. "There's one of Roy Harper, quite few of Superman and Supergirl also of Wonder Woman, and few more of Flash and Kid Flash, there's a lot more but we just stopped caring after a while."

"I think you should care about something like that." Caitlin mutters as she paused. "What if there are evil clones?"

"There are, lots of them actually." Nora answers looking at her as Barry and Cisco looked at her with wide eyes. "Bart, Connor, Tim and Cassie have fought a lot of them and so have you, well at least future you have."

"And that guy is one of them?" Caitlin asks and Nora nodded. "Also Bart's reverse?"

"Yeah, calls himself Inertia."

"So if he is called Inertia, and he is Bart's reverse." Cisco began. "Does that mean your brother name is Impulse?"

"Yep." Nora answered with a pop to the 'p'.

"Dope name!" Cisco answered with a grin pointing at her. "Was it me who named him, tell me it was me!"

"No, he already had that name when he came from the 30th century." Nora told Cisco which brought a frown on his face and then looked out of the med bay where people were talking, the rest followed her glance to do the same.

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