Bits about the Past

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(Central City

S.T.A.R labs)

"I am sorry!" Caitlin spoke up and Barry turned to look at her.

"You don't have to be Cait." Barry says looking at her. "My break up with Iris wasn't your fault."

"But why do I feel like it is?!" She asks looking at him.

"Its not!" Barry said and then took a deep breath for himself. "Look Cait." He took a step towards her. "It was not your fault, it's not!" He gently put her hands on her shoulder. "I.......look what happened...."

"Was a mistake!" Caitlin says and it felt like he felt something pierce him. "I kissed you when I knew you were with Iris! It feel like I ruined your relationship with her!"

"Well technically we kissed after Iris and I broke up." Barry answers and shrugged his shoulders. "I mean that kiss was a week ago and so the thing you are blaming yourself for, it was never your fault." He paused. "And I don't believe that kiss was a mistake." He says and Caitlin blushed at his words. "Also sorry." And she looks at him in confusion. "About not telling you about the break up." He paused for another moment. "Or not telling about the pregnancy."

"Which was a very idiotic decision!" Caitlin shot back. "I mean this is the first ever speedster pregnancy we are having and you decided to keep that fact from all of us, what were you thinking?!" Barry flinched at her words, he did not have an argument for that, he really wanted to tell Caitlin about the pregnancy, but Iris was hell bent on not letting anyone know about it. "You know it better than anyone else, Barry, that we do not keep secrets in science!"

"I really wanted to tell you, Cait." Barry tried to placate her. "I really did, I mean when I first learned about that, my first thought was to Flash both myself and her to your house, but."


"She didn't want anyone to know about it." Barry told her a deep frown over his face, which made a similar frown appear on her face. "And I....I was not in a stable state of mind to speak with anyone, after that."

"What happened?" Caitlin asks as Barry stayed silent for the moment.

"We had a fight, after I found out she was pregnant and got my cell out to call you but she exploded on me." Barry told her about the last argument both Iris and him had. "I mean we've had a lot of arguments but that one was a really bad one. We went back and forth for a while and we sort of got to the point where we didn't even wanted to be in the presence of each other." She wrapped her hand around his shoulder giving him a comforting hug. "I sort of.....broke down and she did too soon after and we just decided the thing between us was not working." He paused remembering the fight. "I....ah.......I thought about staying there to help her with her being pregnant, but I soon moved out to stay at the Lab because back home, it was just suffocating me and I wanted to get out we both wanted an out, we wanted it a lot before than four months ago."

"Why, weren't you happy being with her?" Caitlin asks, a slight pang at her heart when she asked this, she developed the feelings for their resident speedster a while ago and she knew there was something between them. There always have been, but both of them never acted on it, because a part of her never wanted to believe there was something. "I mean when we saw the article we thought you would be happy because, it read-----"

"Iris West-Allen, I know." Barry muttered. "And if it was before me being the Flash I would've been happy, but unknowingly, I found out that I already moved on from her, and one way or another I hoped and prayed that the Allen she was married to was not me." He paused a haunted look appeared on his face. "Which almost came true when the Flashpoint happened."

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