Chapter 35: Spring of Courage

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“We’re here.” Urbosa stopped at the entrance with you, and Zelda turned to face you both as she stopped as well. “Go on, Zelda. You can do this. Just relax.” Zelda nodded, and you gave her a quick hug before letting her go to the water. “I hate to see her putting so much pressure on herself.”

“I do too.” You watched as she kneeled down and bowed her head, starting to pray to the goddesses. “I just wish I could do more to help. The support I can offer isn’t as much as it could be if she were being taught under her mother.”

“She’ll get through this. With her determination and strength, I have no doubt that she’ll triumph.” Urbosa leaned against one of the pillars, and you remained in your spot nearby her, arms folded as you held your gaze on Zelda with a solemn sadness. “I feel that her father is too hard on her. Pushing her to believe she’s already out of time.”

“There’s more than just pressure that’s likely holding her back,” You released your breath, looking down enough for your hair to start falling over your shoulders and partially into your face. “She went through so much when she was younger. And none of us were able to make it better for her.”

“We didn’t know how. She was just a child.”

“But we didn’t only fail to make it better, we made it worse!” You snapped, and Urbosa didn’t make any more attempts to talk, she braced herself to listen. “Everything was perfectly fine, and then BAM, you and Amirah get stuck in the Yiga hideout and we don’t get there in time to save Amirah. Then we have the funeral, we leave and get nearly killed, then all the wedding stuff and coronation and then suddenly Zelda had no one! No one! She was six and had no idea what was going on!”

“_____,” She finally said, her tone still quiet and calm. “Zelda’s not the only one who’s struggling, it seems.” She grabbed your right hand and held it out, rubbing her thumb over the backside. “I have reason to believe that your personal conflict with everything brought the triforce upon you.”

“H-How does that work?” You stammered, trying to think about what she was saying.

“You were the one who first claimed that Amirah was still fighting. And you were also the first to try and avenge her afterwards. She’s with you, _____. You’re carrying her power because you’re still struggling with losing her.”

“Urbosa, I’ve been perfectly happy these last few years. Of course, I still miss Amirah. That will never go away. But I’m not struggling anymore. I’ve healed.”

“You’re still in the healing process, _____.” She moved away from the pillar and brought herself closer to you. “You’re still upset. The anger is still built up inside you. She knows. I know. Maybe Revali and Rhoam are blind to it, but I know you haven’t gotten over her dea-“

“Enough! Okay, Urbosa, I’m fine. I’m not struggling anymore. Amirah’s with me because she needs to project herself to Zelda somehow. She still needs to teach her daughter, and I’m going to help her to do that.”

“Alright, _____,” She sighed, and you looked back out into the water. “But if there’s anything I can do to help you, let me know.”

“I just told you I don’t need any-“

“Will you guys stop?!” Zelda practically leaped out of the water, catching both of your attention, and causing your conversation to end. “I’m trying to fulfill my duty and make everyone proud, and all you guys are doing is worrying about yourselves!”

“Zelda!” Urbosa called as she waded in closer to the statue. “You don’t need to go that far!” She stood at the edge next to the water, almost ready to jump in after her.

“Yes I do! The harder it is to hear you two, the better for me!” You were both taken back by her statement, and she was nearly swimming at this point. “I thought this was about getting me in the position to save our kingdom!”

“It is, Zelda, Urbosa’s the one who started making it about me! She-“

“She was also completely by my side, giving me her undivided attention until you came along!” She shouted, causing you both to freeze. She quickly slapped her hand around her mouth, seeming to get lower in the water with each passing second. “I-I’m sorry, I just-“

“Lady Urbosa!” Captain Adrian rushed up the steps with a piece of paper in his hand, which he was quick to place in Urbosa’s. “King Rhoam needs your assistance with something.”

“I’ll go. Urbosa can stay here with Zelda.” You reached out for the paper, but Adrian gently pushed your hand away and shook his head. “What?”

“His majesty will need someone… more experienced, if that makes sense.” He started to lead Urbosa out but she stopped to call for Zelda. “Come along now, ladies.” Zelda rushed to Urbosa’s side and walked close to her as she started reading the letter, and you sighed and looked away from them, watching the yellow glowing fade away on your hand.


Ah... family reunions

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