When the guys catch you kissing

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LELELEEL... Cheesy title but wut ever, some of you wanted this XDDD I decided to use half of @FluffyCloud_Cole's idea, and decided to do when the guys catch you two doing something. So, I guess this was recommended :P

More chapters are coming!


~Tina 💚


You and Kai were at the monastery; the guys were somewhere in their rooms, while you and your boyfriend were watching a movie downstairs.

You suddenly feel a hand over your shoulder, getting closer to Kai.

"Being a pervert again?" You breath, as Kai pulls you to his lips, smirking.

"Really guys, in the living room?" A voice startled them. You whip around, glaring at Lloyd. He was holding a green bowl full of candy.

"Get out Lloyd!" You joke, chasing him back upstairs.


You and Lloyd were upstairs in his room, reading comics. The guys were downstairs doing whatever.

"Y/N?" You hear Lloyd say next to your ear.

You roll your eyes. "Fine.." You tell him.

He leans closer to you, gently placing his lips on yours, giving you a small peck of the lips.

"Who ever thought that the powerful green ninja would ever kiss a girl like that!" A familiar voice comes from the door.

You and Lloyd immediately pull away, both of you blushing. You turn and face one of Lloyd's brothers, Kai.

"Go away, Kai!" Lloyd shouts, as he chases the fire ninja down the hallway.


You were passing a ball around to Cole, practicing your new skills for soccer. You fetch the ball from the tree it rolled over to, feeling a warm touch on your shoulder.

"Y/N," Cole says softly, asking.

You nod, placing your lips on his. It only lasts for a few seconds, when a call disturbed them.

"Cole, who knew that a girl would ever kiss you," a teasing tone came.

You pull back, glaring playfully at Jay, who was tossing a baseball in his hand.

"Come back here, Jay!" You yell, chasing him around the field.


You and Jay were both home, stuffing your faces into popcorn. You just finished watching a movie with him and the guys, so you're chilling in the living room while they were upstairs.

"Hey Y/N," Jay says, as you look over to him. "What does a ninja always need after a movie?"

You shrug, thinking about the joke.

Jay moves closer to you, playing with your hair.

"A kiss," he smiles, before laying his lips on yours. You didn't care. You loved it.

"Jay? Why here?" A voice comes from the door. It was Cole, the one that Jay hated the most.

"Get out, Cole," he glares, chasing him around the monastery.


You and Zane were both at home. The guys always begged you to cook for them every night. You soon got used to it, trying new recipes with Zane everyday.

"A cup of almonds," you say, throwing a cup shredded nuts into the bowl.

"Now, to finish it off, a kiss," Zane says behind you, turning you around. Smiling, he places his lips on yours, enjoying the sweet sensation.

"Nindroid can fall in love, we can see it now," a voice says.

You pull away first, only to see the whole gang. Lloyd was in front, holding in his laughter.

"Why did you stop? It was so cute," Nya giggles.

"Get out, guys!" Zane says, chasing the guys around the monastery playfully. You laugh along, as you and Nya start stuffing your faces into popcorn.

Sorry about the late updates! I never get the chance to write this, but I try my best! I got off of spring break a week ago(ABOUT A WEEK AGO! People who heard this song would understand ;)) and had to make up for work. Sorry!

Tina 💚

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