When he does something embarrassing

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So, I was hoping for more requests! :3333 anyway, I luff those who help me get this far with this story. I hope you guys enjoy it! Remember to send requests. I love to read them and possibly add them to the story! Thanks for reading, and I hope you like my first a Ninjago Boyfriend Scenarios thing!

Thanks for your support!



Kai was in your room playing a game on his laptop, while you were at your desk finishing up the stupid essay your math teacher gave you for talking in class.

You see him reach for something on the shelf, as you watch at the corner of your eye, hiding your giggle as he reaches for his cup of water.

"Woah!" He cried, as you hear a thump.

You turn around, seeing Kai on the ground, blankets on his head and on the floor.

You burst out laughing, trying to keep yourself from falling out of your chair.

"Help..?" Kai asks, even though he was chuckling himself, as you pull yourself from your chair before helping him up.

"What were you doing?" you ask, giggling again.

"Trying to get my drink?" He says, as you help him to your bed, where he finished his glass of water.

"You know, it wasn't very far," you tell him, as he pulls you on your bed, kissing your forehead before letting you go.

"I know, just wanted to be clumsy," he answers, laughing.


You and Lloyd were reading comics in your room. You turned the page of your comic, staring at a blank page.

"Wait," you say, turning it over. "This can't be the end of the volume!"

"Y/N," Lloyd laughs. "I have the other books, you know."

"Oh, thank god," you say, as you flip through the pages of your finished comic again, taking your bookmark out.

Lloyd fumbles with his comic bag, throwing it on the ground.

"Dang it! I can't find-" Lloyd was cut off as his bag was tossed to the ground, throwing comics all over his head and on the ground. You couldn't help but laugh hysterically, as Lloyd, turns red, piling up his comics.

"Way to go, Lloyd," you say, still giggling, as you pull out the next comic from your series.

You stare at him, even though he looked cute when he was embarrassed.

"Hey now!" He yells, swatting you playfully, his cheeks getting red. "I didn't do it on purpose!"

"Lloyd," you tell him, hugging him on the back. "I'm your girlfriend now, remember? I love it when you're clumsy."

He blushes, hugging you back before kissing your forehead, laughing along with you.


You and Cole were walking downtown, wondering what to do.

"I'm bored," you tell him, kicking a rock to a mailbox. "And I'm hungry for some sweets as well!"

"Look!" Cole shouts, pointing to a pink and white building; on top of it, the banner said, Cit Cupcakes Grand Opening on it.

"Let's go!" You say, pulling him to the bakery.

"Welcome," an old lady's voice greeted. You turn to the counter and see an old
Day wearing a pink and yellow apron with the words Cit Cupcakes Employee written on it. Her gray hair was tied in a bun, while she wore red glasses. "May I get you something to start with?"

You and Cole look at all the different kinds of cupcakes.

"May we get a cupcake tower?" You ask her.

"Of course," she answers. "What flavor would you like?"

"How many cupcakes is it per tower?" Cole asks, still staring at the cupcakes and pastries.

"You can choose; 5 for the small tower, 12 for the original tower, and 30 for the large tower," the woman answers.

"We'll take original, chocolate flavor with chocolate icing, and chocolate shavings," you answer quickly.

"Chocolate lovers here?" She asks, giggling the old lady laugh.


A few moments later, she comes back out, holding a cute cupcake tower with her.

"How much is it, ma'am?" Cole asks.

"No need to pay," she answers. "My first customers get a free cupcake tower."

You wave goodbye to her, sitting down on one of her porch things, eating a few of the delicious cupcakes. You were defiantly coming back another day.


You and Jay have finished fixing his jet, while your boyfriend decided to test it out.

"Can you watch from above?" Jay asks, as he climbs into the seat of the blue jet, closing the top.

"Sure!" You tell him, as his plane takes off. You watch him do loops around the sky, even a few tricks. You find it cute, of course.

Suddenly his jet wobbles, and it falls to the ground before he could finish his drawing in the sky.

"Jay!" You shout, quickly running over.

"Yeah, we might need to fix the gas tank again," Jay answers from a tall flower bush, where his jet crashed. "I think it needs to be doubled, since this plane uses up a lot of it."

You sigh as he crawls out of the seat, you helping him up.

"Glad you're okay," you tell him, hugging him. "I thought I lost you for a moment."

"Of course you wouldn't loose me!" He tells you, as he kisses your forehead. "But, it was kind of embarrassing.

"I found it cute," you tell him truthfully.


You and Zane were making dinner, when you feel something cut your finger.

"Ow!" You yell, dropping the knife using a napkin to wipe up the blood.

"Y/N!" Zane yells, as he stops what he was doing, quickly rushing over. "What happened?"

"Accidentally cut myself, I guess," you tell him, as you dab a drop of water on it, cringing at the pain. Zane comes over with a bandage, wrapping it on your finger after you cleared it off.

"Please be careful next time," Zane tells you.

You look down, seeing him the pink apron his brothers always found funny. You did yourself, as well.

"Z-Zane!" You laugh. "You put on the wrong apron again!"

"What??!?" He crys, looking down at his apron. "I didn't mean to grab this one!"

You found it cute that he was blushing and wearing the apron that you were forced to wear.

"It's okay, Zane," you tell him, giggling. "I think that looks absolutely cute on you."

So, I managed to get this chapter out on time! I don't know about future chapters, but I'll try my best to get them in. It isn't easy, since you have to make up the story as you go along. I hope you enjoy my work and how much effort I put into it!

Tina out! 💛💛💙💙💜💜💚💚💚❤️❤️

Ninjago Boyfriend ScenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora