When he adorably asks you to prom

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Lel... This might be short. Please enjoy!!!!



You walk down the hallway with your friends, as you go your separate ways to your locker. You quickly do your combination, only to be disturbed by a thought; eh, your always going to be late to classes anyway. When you open your locker, a note feel out. It read,

Hey, Y/N. Meet me in room 32.
~ Kai

You stuff the note in your binder, knowing the bell has already rung. You take the chance and go to the room, only to greeted by one of your friends.

"Come on, Y/N," she says. "It took you long enough."

You were pushed into the room, where there were a few balloons hung up around the table. You saw a piece of paper. It read the directions:

1. Take the needle near the paper and pop the balloons.

2. Read what it says :)

You take the sharp needle and pop all five balloons, as tears sting your eyes. You see the words "PROM?" Written across the papers. They were all fancy bubble letters, outlined with red and pink marker and finished with a black sharpie. You had a sneaking suspicion that this must be one of B/F/N's pieces, since she was the arty one in your group of friends.

"Will you go to P-Prom with me, Y/N?" A familiar voice asked. You recognize it as Kai's, as you spun around, not caring that your makeup is ruined.

"Kai, of course I will!" You exclaim, hugging him. "This was one of the greatest as kings I have ever gotten."

"I'm glad you like it," he says, sighing. "This is the first time I have ever done anything like this for a girl."

"You never knew that the hothead could be such a romantic person," you tease.

"Oh no.." He says, frowning as you whip out your phone. "Please don't tell me.."

"Facebook needs to know about this," you shout, snapping a few pictures of the beautiful Prom balloon thing.

"Y/N!" He yells, trying to grab your phone. You laugh anyway, running around the room, him chasing you.


"Okay, see you after school!" You call out to your friends, as you head to 7th period. Someone stops you in your tracks. It was B/F/N.

"Y/N, follow me," she says, leading me to the gym. You shrug, not caring if your late. You've gotten many tardies anyway. "There's something I have to show you."

"What is it?" You ask.

She doesn't reply, just leads you to the gym.

"B/F/N, I'm going to be late," you tell her, picking up your books you dropped.

"Trust me, you're going to like this surprise," she tells me truthfully.

"Well, what if I don't?" You ask, slightly crossing your arms. "You do know that I'm very hard to please."

"Yes, yes, just hurry up, or you'll be even more late," she demands with satisfaction.

I roll my eyes before walking instead of her dragging me. You and your best friend reach the gym, where there was soft music playing and slight whispers. You first recognize Lloyd; what was he doing at your school?

You look closer, seeing that he was holding a poster. His face turned red when he saw you, and tried to retain a smile.

"Lloyd? What are you-" You were cut off.

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