When he thinks you're cheating

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This was requested by @ChaosQueen2001! Hope you enjoy :))

I LUFFF California already :DDDDD


You and Kai sit at the table, eating pizza and playing tic tac toe. He already beat you like, 1,000 times, but you never let him stop you. Your phone rings, revealing your best guy friend, G/F/N(guy friend's name).

"Hello?" You say into the speaker.

"Y/N!" So glad I can hear your beautiful voice again," he says, which makes you blush.

"I haven't heard from you in forever!" You exclaim. "Where have you been?"

"Sorry, I've been getting caught up in my study's I never got the chance to call you," he explains. "I think I'm getting double the work now."

"I hope you like it there in R/N(random state)," you say.

"It's great," G/F/N tells you. "I wish you were here as well."

"I'll call you later," you tell him, hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Kai asked with suspicion, a look of anger spreading across his face.

"Oh, that was my best friend, G/F/N," you explain. "We were best friends when we were younger, but his parents decided to move out of state to R/S for him to get a better education. Why?"

"I just wanted to make sure," Kai smiles, a mischievous grin spreading on his face.


You and Lloyd sit together on one of the couches they had at Doomsday Comics. Soon, a boy walks into the store, you recognizing him.

"G/F/N!" You shout, dropping your comic and quickly heading over to him. "I thought you were too busy study to come back to Ninjago city for a visit!"

"Of course I would find time to visit you," he says.

"Y/N," Lloyd asks, staring at your friend with glaring eyes. "Who is this?"

"Oh, this is my childhood friend, G/F/N," you tell him. "He just came back from R/N."

"Nice to meet you," he says, shaking Lloyd's extended hand. "Y/N has told me so much about you."

"It's nice seeing you again," You exclaim. "We can talk another time."

"Alright then," G/F/N tells you, waving goodbye before heading out.

"I don't like that guy," Lloyd tells you angrily.

"He's my best friend, I've known him since the beginning of time," you tell him, before thinking for a moment. "Hey Lloyd, want to get some candy?"

"Sure!" He pipes up, jumping out of his chair.


"Take it easy, Y/N," Cole tells you, as you start to bounce off walls. You and Cole just finished a chocolatey extreme chocolate chocolate cake and drank a glass of orange juice afterwards.

"I can't... Too.. HYPER!" You shout out, jumping up and down on the couch. Your phone rings as you quickly jump down, picking up and shakily pressing the answer button.

"Y/N!" A boy shouts into the phone.

"It's so good to see you!" You exclaim, jumping on the couch again. "How have you been? What about your studies?"

"It's great," He answers. "I wish you were here. Since my friends moved out of their dorms, it's been kind of boring."

"I hope your visit goes well," you tell him.

"Bye sis," he says. "I'm hoping to visit you in the summer."

You hang up, aware of Cole staring at you.

"Who was that?" Cole asked, staring at your phone and back up at you again.

"Oh, that was my brother," you tell him. "He's at his new college studying, and just decided to call me."

"Okay," Cole says, sighing a huge relief as he sits on the couch with you and kisses your forehead.


You and Jay were planning to help fix Kai's, one of Jay's brothers' machines. It broke down a few days ago, while you and Jay have been working on it ever since. Ever since you met Kai, the both of you have become really good friends.

"Y/N!" You hear him shout, as you stand up. "How's my machine coming together?"

"We just need to repair a few broken gears and wires," you tell him. "It'll be done soon, though."

You and Kai both talk, not aware of Jay watching you, looking down to fix a few things and quickly looking back up.

"Kai!" A girl shouts. You recognize her as Nya, his sister. "Sensei Wu wants you!"

You wave goodbye and bend down again, working on the front rear.

"Is anything going on between you and Kai?" Jay asks suspiciously after a moment of silence.

"Besides the fact that we're friends," you tell him. "Why?"

Jay shakes his head and smiles. "No reason."


You and Zane were walking around the park when you spot a herd of butterflies.

"Zane, look!" You say, pulling him over.

"I've never seen anything like it," Zane smiles, as a butterfly lands on his shoulder.

"Y/N! Surprise!" A familiar voice comes. It was your best friend, G/F/N.

"Am I!" You say, running over to hug him. "I'm so glad I can see you again!" A butterfly lands on your hair, but you didn't mind.

"I just got done with my studies of being a zoologist," he tells you excitedly.

"That's awesome!" You tell him. "And the butterflies are yours?"

"That's right," he says, before motioning you over to Zane. "Y/N, who must this be?"

"Oh, this is Zane," you tell him. "Zane, meet G/F/N."

"Nice to finally meet you," G/F/N says, shaking Zane's hand. "Y/N wouldn't shut up about you."

"I'm glad," Zane whispers in your ear before shaking his extended hand.

Sorry for the late chapters. I still have ONE more week of Spring Break! Those who live in Cali are SOOOO lucky. :33333

(P.S. I will be returning at 7 at night on Sunday Pacific Time, so I'll try my best to upload another chapter till then!)

Tina out! 💚💚

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