Chapter 4: Your health comes first

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"Hey! Listen to me! You'd better not come back crying. There is nothing in this world I can't have. Who do you think you are?" Si asked her.

"I don't give a damn. In fact, you can't have me even if you give me everything in the world. Listen here! I, Dong Shancai, simply won't date a narcissist like you. What you said is as stupid as your pineapple head. Goodbye!" Shancai said and threw the heels for Daoming Si to catch them. Si was surprised and let the heels fall to the ground as he looked at the girl who was walking away from him.

Meiling just parked her car and headed inside the house when she saw an angry Shancai walking towards the exit.

"Shancai? What are you doing here? And what are you wearing?" Meiling asked confused the girl who was wearing an expensive and elegant dress and was walking without shoes.

"Daoming Si brought me here. He didn't even apologized and started to talk all this nonsense. I am sorry Meiling but I want to go home." Shancai said and Meiling nodded.

She called her driver and told him to take Shancai home. "Tell him where you live and he will get you home. Stay safe and see you at school." Meiling said with a soft voice and Shancai nodded.

"Thank you." Shancai said and walked out of the house with the driver. Meiling sighed and walked towards the living room where she thought her brother would be. She saw him siting in a chair lost in thoughts as a pair of high heels were lying in the center of the room.

"I expected to be greeted with something warm to eat when I come home not with an angry fashionable Shancai." Meiling said receiving the attention of Si.

"Meiling..." Si said tiredly and his sister stopped him.

"What have you done this time to her?" Meiling asked walking to a bottle with water and poured herself a glass of water.

"I thought about what you told me. About apologizing and all." Si started and Meiling hummed for him to continue as she was sipping. "And I thought what could be better than a apology to a girl than for her to be my girlfriend?" Si asked and Meiling spit all the water in her mouth coughing.

"Y-you d-di-didn't." Meiling tried to say as she coughed.

"I did. And would you believe she turned me down? She even called me a narcissist." Daoming Si complained.

"I mean...You kind of are..." Meiling mumbled.

"You are not helping you know that?" Si asked glaring at his sister as she sighed.

"Ah Si...You do know you just asked the girl who kicked you in the face with her foot after you broke her phone to be your girlfriend right? When all you had to do was to just say a simple 'sorry'." Meiling said and Daoming Si just looked at the ground lost in thoughts once again until he looked back at his sister.

"Should have I brought her a necklace? Or maybe a huge bouquet of roses?" Daoming Si asked and Meiling just slapped the back of his head. "Ouch! What was that for?" Si complained.

"Did your brain stopped working after you got punched or what? I didn't asked you to marry her or whatever crossed your mind." Meiling said and Si just looked at her confused. She groaned and closed her eyes. "You are absolutely helpless. I am going to my room." Meiling said and walked to her room leaving behind a very confused Daoming Si.


"Shancai you seem a little different today." Li Zhen said noticing the change in her friend's features.

"Really? Is there something on my face?" Shancai asked confused not wanting to give away the fact she was taken cared of the day before.

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