Author's Note

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Hi, everybody. This is my very first fic. Well... the first one that I've ever decided to publish, anyway. I'm usually too big of a whimp to let other people read my work, even though I've actually written quite a few of them. But...I decided that my Hobi needs some extra love in this world, so here we go. 

There may or may not be a bit of smut in the future. That depends on how brave I get with my writing. I'm not the best at writing those scenes, but I will probably try when we get there. 

Also, I don't speak Korean very well. I'm still learning the basics. So if I use something that is too formal, or the wrong word, please don't come at me yelling at me to do my research. (I've seen this on other stories.) I did do my research, and if it's in Korean, then you can blame it on Google. 

I welcome constructive criticism, but ask that you at least be kind about it, and be kind to each other in the comments, too. If you have any questions or input, you can also always feel free to message me on here or on Twitter: KatyJo81

With that said....Let's get it! 


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