Chapter 15: Revenge part 2

Comincia dall'inizio

Cause their all going to attack ShadowClan.

We stepped out into the camp and looked around. All the Queens and Elders were here to fight. Fireheart, Sandpaw and a brown tabby tom were there. Yellowfang as well.

"Brokenstar!" Fireheart snarled.

"So you're the only warrior left, this will be easier then I thought."

The clearing exploded into battle. I ran to the first cat I saw. It was a Queen named Frostfur.

I ripped my claws through her pelt and she yowled. I could see out of my eye Sandpaw run towards me.

I left Frostfur and knocked the apprentice down bitting into her side. She unsheathed her claws and waved her paw at me. Her claws caught the side of my face.

She was strong for her size and her blow made me let go of her. The brown tabby jumped on my back. He dug his claws and teeth into my spine.

I yowled at the sharp pain. Then crushed him beneath my greater weight. He let go but both cats attack me again and again.

I was losing to apprentices. But I hadn't had much training before we attack. That one was one me.

I heard Tangleburr yowl to me.

I turned to her but instead I saw the worst thing I could see.

There was Fireheart and his gray friends. But at their paws, was none other then my best friend Clawface... dead.

They ran away to fight but I ran to my friend. His throat was torn open, eyes lifeless. He was gone.

I crouched down and buried my face in his fur. I cried taking in his scent recalling all of the time we spent together.

We grew up as kit, we were friends, he was even there for me when I had my arguement with Russetfur. He stood by my side in exile. He was my best friend.

I heard pawsteps and turned around to see a dark gray she-cat her leg was twisted. She was one of the kits Clawface stole from ThunderClan.

She looked at me with a odd epretion. Like rouges couldn't greive. I looked at my friend one last time.

I ran out with Tangleburr and Stumpytail who didn't yet know of his father's death.

As we ran one thought came to me...

This wasn't worth his life...

Clawface's POV

I felt teeth on the back of my neck, then there was darkness. Cold darkness.

I knew I was dead.

But then I felt a strong force pull me away and soon I could see again. I looked over to see Fireheart and Graystripe standing over my body.

"Clawface" a very framiliar voice whispered.

I turned around, my mother Dasiystorm was here.

"Mother!" I yowled and ran into her.

"Let's go my son" she whispered.

I followed her into the air. Until we reached StarClan. The last time I was here was when I was an apprentice. But it still amazed me on how beautiful it was.

Dasiystorm sat down and I did too. For a while we waited. And waited, and waited.

"What are we waiting for?" I asked.

"Here they come" she said looking into a amazing Pine forest. It was perfect ShadowClan terriotry.

Out of the shadows three black cats walked out. One a she-cat with green eyes and the other two toms with amber eyes.

"Greeting Clawface" the she-cat said to me.

"Hello" I said back.

"My name is Shadow" she repilied.

Shadow...? This is ShadowClan's first leader!

"This is my brother Moon Shadow and his son Sun Shadow" she pointed to the toms.

"This is an honor to meet you all" I said kinda nervously.

"You need to come with us" Sun Shadow said.


Shadow stepped forward, "I hate to bring up the past, but you murdered a medicine cat."

I bowed my head in shame, I deeply regretted it.

"But I can see through your heart, if you regret it, you have a heart. That is why I convinved StarClan to let you stay in StarClan."

I frowned, "Where would I go if I couldn't be in StarClan?"

Dasiystorm looked greived, "The Dark Forest" she whispered.

I shivered, I heard about that place, and I did NOT want to go there.

"Look down" Moon Shadow said.

I obeyed and looked into a puddle. I saw my body in ThunderClan. But I also saw a white tom crouched beside my body.


He was my best friend. Even when I teased him, scarred his face when we were kits but he still was my friend.

I felt like crying, "Come Clawface I'll explain everything" Shadow said and walked into the forest.

I followed her.


Ok in the Dark Forest it never mentions that Clawface went there so he'll stay in StarClan to watch over Blackfoot :-) in Tigerclaw's Fury Clawface was alive but he died in Fire And Ice. So I followed Fire And Ice and had him die. Just to break Blackfoot's heart :'(

Blackstar's Exile 3#Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora