"Because that's my job." She replied nonchalantly.

"The acquisition is due two months later. You won't be there so no, it's not your job." He spat. "Oliver, you make sure she doesn't know about our future prospects. I don't want anyone outside my company to know about our operations."

She rolled her eyes, scoffing at the arrogant boss. "I know how your bloody mind operates. So..." She faked an unfriendly smile, flipping him the bird.

"Am I the only one to notice the 'bloody' in her statement?" Toby grinned. "The Alli effect, you see?"

All eyes snapped to Oliver. All except a pair of green displeased eyes, narrowing at her mention. Camila was surprisingly quiet, making me doubt her behavior.

"So what have you planned after leaving Grayson Inc?" Camila asked, picking at her polished nails. "Do you plan on applying to other companies?"

A very curious but angry pair of charcoal eyes looked at her anxiously, trying to hide his sadness.

"Maybe I'll go for Zanetti Industries." She stated.

"What!" We all yelled.

She laughed, throwing her head back. Rafael the pervert stared at her neck while sweet innocent Liam smiled seeing the twinkle in her eyes.

Kiddo really was a silly girl.

"I wouldn't go there if it was the last company alive. That loser company hurt my ego by rejecting me." She frowned.

Rejecting? Wait!

"What do you mean?" Oliver gasped.

"Before trying for our company-"

"My company." Rafael interrupted.

If looks could kill, he'd be dead by now. "Okay, Rafael, your company." She sneered. "Before trying for his company I applied for Luca's. But those idiots rejected me because I didn't have experience. I mean what the fuck! How will a candidate have experience if no bloody one wants to give a job!"

"She said bloody again." Toby pointed out.

"Did you know about this, Mason?" Oliver questioned.

"You think I'd allow it if I knew? I didn't even know about her giving interviews for his company."

"Yeah because he was busy keeping an eye over us." Rafael muttered under his breath.

"What do I say? We Andress siblings love to crush your ego." I mocked.

"Good thing he didn't know. Otherwise we wouldn't get our Vittoria, she wouldn't get her brother and Camila wouldn't have a chance to have a new brother." Liam said, hugging Vittoria carefully enough to not hurt her wounds.

"He's not my brother." Camila gritted, surprising everyone.

Was she for real?

"He's just a Keeper who falls below us in the hierarchy. I don't want to degrade myself by calling him my brother." She clarified.

Vittoria went ballistic. But in her mind. On the outside, she was calm but glaring daggers at her.

"You hate me, I get it." She said, the tremors begging to burst out of the deceiving calm. "But if I hear one fucking word of insult for my brother, I won't think twice before shooting that very mouth." They pencil in her hand broke into two, the crisp crack the only sound to be heard in the deadly silent room.

Rafael quickly shot up and snatched the broken pencil from her hand, afraid that she'll injur her already bandaged hand. "Calm down, Vittoria. I apologize on her behalf." He looked ashamed.

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