Damn, she's hot!

They look good together, unlike you know who.

Of course, their status match.

Duh, she's the CFO's sister.

"So am I." I mumbled to myself uselessly.

"Vittoria! Here you are!" Ariel came running to my side, her concerned eyes eying me up and down. "Are you okay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I printed the page with the rectified figure, replace it with the old one and began heading upstairs.

"Don't listen to these people."

"I don't care." I shrugged, increasing my speed to escape her.

Too consumed with my anger, I didn't remember knocking. I just dashed in, placing the report on his desk. I knew she would be there, probably being fucked by him on his desk. I didn't care. I didn't have all day to wait for them to get done with it.

Good for me, I saw nothing pornographic. What I did see, in an eye contact between me and Camila which lasted for a fleeting second was the nefarious smirk she hurled my way.

I walked away, questioning her need to do so. Didn't I do everything in my power to help her in every way?


"Uh, Vittoria." Ariel hesitantly gestured her eyes at someone behind me.

Camila slinked our way like she owned this place, awarding Ariel nothing but a rather bothersome flick of her manicured fingers.

Why was she being such a bitch today?

Ariel, feeling intimidated, walked away with her head hung low.

"It's really not cool to belittle someone like that Camila." I said, as she leaned against the wall.

Gossip hungry eyes gawked our way, kicking their work in the ass. They couldn't hear us, but they surely chose to be entertained seeing the silent exchange of the ex and the fiancée.

"I hope you get the hint, Vittoria." She sneered. "Get rid of all the hopes you had with him. It's official now."

Alright, I'm so not in the mood to hear this shit today.

"I thought we were good, Camila." I closed my eyes to maintain my cool.

She laughed like a devil, throwing her head back. "We will never be good. I'll hate you until my last breath and you know why?" She jabbed a finger in my shoulder. "Because you lowered my standards by daring to compete with me."

"What's with this sudden change, Camila? What's your problem? I already have a shit load of work today. I have no time to entertain this nonsense."

That's it, I snapped. This was only so much I was going to tolerate it.

"Entertain." She repeated, glaring at me like I was something disgusting. "That's the word we should use for you. You don't even deserve staying with us. Look at yourself, you cheap slut."

"Last warning, Camila."

"They're good enough to not say it out loud but are you seriously dumb enough to not understand? No one wants you in their life. You don't fit in our lifestyle. There was a reason mom threw you away to some poor Keeper family but kept me with her-"

The sharp sound of my palm flat against her face boomed in the empty corridor. The slap was so hard that my palm burned like hell. Guess it was all the pent up aggression and the concealed hatred for her.

Did I feel any remorse? None, bitch.

Her face, turned to the side with her hand over her red turned cheek turned to me and a well known vulnerability swimmed through her forest eyes.

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